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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 5
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 9


Pinyin: xié, jī
Cantonese: haai4

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: (a corrupted abbreviated form) to cover the line of vision or sight --the straight line between an object and one's eyes, to look steadily at, to look at impatiently

康熙字典文字版 【午集中】【目字部】 䀘
【唐韻】苦兮切【集韻】牽奚切,𠀤音谿。【說文】蔽人視也。一曰直視也。 又【集韻】堅奚切,音雞。躁視也。 又【廣韻】戸圭切,音攜。能視也。又直視貌。 又【集韻】詰計切,音契。義同。 【說文】或作𥅝。【集韻】或作𥅳。䀘原字从幵。