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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 6
Additional Strokes: 16
Total Strokes: 22


Pinyin: xiào, jiǎo

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: (same as U+832D 茭) Zizania latifolia, a kind of edible aquatic grass, rootstock (of the lotus), the joint of the sides of arms and the end of a bow

康熙字典文字版 【申集上】【艸字部】 䕧
【唐韻】下巧切,音澩。【博雅】䕧,根也。亦竹笋也。 又古巧切,音狡。【類篇】藕根也,江東謂之䕧。又弓角接亦曰䕧。 又【集韻】何交切,音爻。義同。
考證:〔【博雅】株根也。亦竹笋也。〕 謹照原文文義株改䕧。