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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 10
Total Strokes: 13


Pinyin: tā, dā
Cantonese: taap3
JapaneseOn: TOU
Korean: THAP

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: fall in ruins, collapse

CE-Dict: to collapse/to droop/to settle down

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: collapse; to cave in

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: cave in; collapse; fall down; sink

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: cave in; collapse; fall down; sink

康熙字典文字版 【丑集中】【土字部】 塌
【集韻】【韻會】𠀤託盍切,音傝。地低下也。【王盤農書】初耕曰塌。 又【集韻】敵盍切,音䈳。墮也。【𨻰琳·討曹操檄】垂頭塌翼。 又【魏志】鮮𤰞名塌頓。 又【玉篇】古文𡓲字。註詳十八畫。 𦐇从冃非从曰。【同文備考】塌牀著地而安也。从土,𦐇聲,近地之意。

CF-Dict: s'effondrer/s'affaisser/se calmer

Han-De-Dict: kollabieren, zusammenfallen (u.E.)/Einsturz (u.E.) (S)