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Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 6
Total Strokes: 9


Pinyin: yí
Cantonese: ji4
JapaneseKun: OBA
JapaneseOn: I
Korean: I
Vietnamese: dì

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: mother/wife's sister; concubine

CE-Dict: mother's sister/aunt

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: aunt who is a sister of one's mother; a maternal aunt
2.a sister-in-law who is a sister of one's wife

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: aunt
【法】 sister-in-law

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: aunt

湘雅醫學專業詞典: Aunt

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《女部》姨 妻之女弟同出為姨。从女夷聲。

康熙字典文字版 【丑集下】【女字部】 姨
【廣韻】以脂切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】延知切,𠀤音夷。母之𡛷妹曰姨。又妻之𡛷妹同出爲姨。【詩·衞風】郉侯之姨。【左傳·莊十年】息嬀過蔡,蔡侯曰:吾姨也,止而見之。 又母同堂之𡛷妹曰堂姨。【朝野僉載】狄仁傑爲相,𠋫問盧氏堂姨。仁傑曰:表弟有何願。盧曰:老姨止一子,不欲令事女主。又十八姨,風神也。【傳異記】崔元微月夜於苑中,見諸女伴,皆殊色,煩元微每歲旦作一幡,上圖日月五星,求封家十八姨相庇。崔如其言,後風疾花飛,而苑中花不動。
考證:〔【左傳·莊十年】息嬀過蔡,蔡侯曰,吾姨也,止而享之。〕 謹照原文享之改見之。

藏法數 姨者,即母之姨,乃外祖母之姊妹,於己為姨婆也。

CF-Dict: tante maternelle

Han-De-Dict: Tante (jüngere Schwester der Mutter) (u.E.) (S)