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Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 9
Total Strokes: 12


Pinyin: jiù
Cantonese: zau6
JapaneseKun: TSUKU
JapaneseOn: SHUU JU
Korean: CHWI

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near

CE-Dict: at once/right away/only/just (emphasis)/as early as/already/as soon as/then/in that case/as many as/even if/to approach/to move towards/to undertake/to engage in/to suffer/subjected to/to accomplish/to take advantage of/to go with (of foods)/with regard to/concerning

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.nearby
2.(an auxiliary confirming and stressing the verb following)
3.[Formal] to enter upon; to engage in accommodate another person's schedule, etc.
5.only; solely

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: accomplish; already; as much as; at once; come near; move towards; only
undertake; with regard to

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: accomplish; already; as much as; at once; come near; move towards; with

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《京部》就 就,高也。从京从尤。尤,異於凡也。

康熙字典文字版 【寅集上】【尢字部】 就
【廣韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】𠀤疾僦切,音鷲。【說文】就,高也。从京,从尤。【徐曰】尤,異也。尤高人所就之處,語曰:就之如日。會意。【廣韻】成也,迎也。【詩·邶風】就其深矣,方之舟之。【周頌】日就月將,學有緝熙于光明。 又卽也。【齊語】聖王之處士也,使就閒燕,處工就官府,處商就市井,處農就田野。 又【增韻】從也。【禮·檀弓】先王之制,禮也。過之者俯而就之。 又帀也。【禮·禮器】大路繁纓一就。【註】五采一帀曰就。 又能也。【左傳·哀十一年】郊之戰,季孫曰:須也弱。有子曰:就用命焉。【註】雖少年,能用命也。 又終也。【郭璞曰】凡事物成就亦終也。 又姓。【後漢書】菟賴氏,改爲就氏。
考證:〔【齊語】先王之處士也,使就燕閒。〕 謹照原文先王改聖王。燕閒改閒燕。〔【禮·檀弓】先王之制,禮也。過者,使俯而就之。〕 謹照原文改過之者俯而就之。〔【左傳·哀十一年】淸之戰。〕 謹照原文改郊之戰。

Buddhism words and phrases then, thereupon; in consequence, according to

then, thereupon; in consequence, according to

CF-Dict: déjà/aussitôt/immédiatement/alors/même si/entreprendre/accomplir/s'approcher de/en fonction de

Han-De-Dict: plötzlich, augenblicklich, nur, gerade (emphatisch), dann (u.E.)/vollenden (u.E.) (V)/schon, bereits (u.E.)