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Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 3
Total Strokes: 7


Pinyin: jiè
Cantonese: gaai3
JapaneseOn: KAI
Korean: KYEY
Vietnamese: giới

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: warn, caution, admonish

CE-Dict: to guard against/to exhort/to admonish or warn/to give up or stop doing sth/Buddhist monastic discipline/ring (for a finger)

Soothill: śīla (शील), 尸羅. Precept, command, prohibition, discipline, rule; morality. It is applied to the five, eight, ten, 250, and other commandments. The five are: (1) not to kill; (2 ) not to steal; (3) not to commit adultery; (4) not to speak falsely; (5) not to drink wine. These are the commands for lay disciples; those who observe them will be reborn in the human realm. The Sarvāstivādins did not sanction the observance of a limited selection from them as did the 成實宗 Satyasiddhi school. Each of the five precepts has five guardian spirits, in all twenty-five, 五戒二十五神. The eight for lay disciples are the above five together with Nos. 7, 8, and 9 of the following; the ten commands for the ordained, monks and nuns, are the above five with the following: (6) not to use adornments of flowers, nor perfumes; (7) not to perform as an actor, juggler, acrobat, or go to watch and hear them; (8) not to sit on elevated, broad, and large divans (or beds); (9) not to eat except in regulation hours; (10) not to possess money, gold or silver, or precious things. The 具足戒full commands for a monk number 250, those for a nun are 348, commonly called 500. Śīla (शील) is also the first of the 五分法身, i.e. a condition above all moral error. The Sutra of Brahma's Net has the following after the first five: (6) not to speak of the sins of those in orders; (7) not to vaunt self and depreciate others; (8) not to be avaricious; (9) not to be angry; (10) not to slander the triratna (त्रिरत्न).

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: take precaution against; to warn; to admonish give up; to get rid of; to abstain from; to refrain from guard against; to avoid
4.a commandment; Buddhist monastic discipline
5.a (finger) ring

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: abstain from; give up; guard against; ring; warn

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: abstain from

湘雅醫學專業詞典: refrain

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《𠬞部》戒 警也。从廾持戈,以戒不虞。

康熙字典文字版 【卯集中】【戈字部】 戒
〔古文〕𢦬【唐韻】古拜切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】居拜切,𠀤音介。【說文】警也。【書·大禹謨】警戒無虞。 又諭也。【書·大禹謨】戒之用休。 又告也。【儀禮·士冠禮】主人戒賔。【註】告也。【聘禮】戒上介亦如之。【註】猶命也。 又【廣韻】愼也,具也。又備也。【易·萃卦】戒不虞。【註】備不虞也。 又【易·繫辭】聖人以此齊戒。【註】洗心曰齊,防患曰戒。【朱子·本義】湛然純一之謂齊,肅然警惕之謂戒。 又守也。【周禮·夏官·掌固】夜三鼜以號戒。【註】謂擊鼓行夜戒守也。又【司馬法】鼓夜半三通,號爲晨戒。 又通作誡。【易·繫辭】小懲而大誡。【前漢·賈誼傳】前車覆,後車誡。 又與界同。【史記·天官書】星茀於河戒。又【唐書·天文志】江河爲南北兩戒。 又【韻補】叶居吏切,音記。【六韜】將不常戒,則三軍失其備。 又叶紀力切,音亟。【詩·小雅】豈不日戒,玁狁孔棘。
考證:〔【易·繫辭】聖人以此齋戒。〕 謹照原文齋改齊。〔【司馬法】鼓夜半三通,號爲發戒。〕 謹照原文發戒改晨戒。

朱芾煌:法相辭典 攝論二卷二十四頁雲:又能息滅惡戒、惡趣;及能取得善趣、等持;故名為戒。

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (術語)梵名曰屍羅S/ila,戒者,防禁身心之過者。大乘義章一曰:“言屍羅者,此名清涼,亦名為戒。三業炎火,焚燒行人。事等如燒,戒能防息,故名清涼。清涼之名,正翻彼也。以能防禁,故名為戒。”瓔珞本業經下曰:“一切眾生,初入三寶海,以信為本。住在佛家,以戒為本。”玄應音義十四曰:“戒亦律之別義也,梵言三波羅,此譯雲禁,戒亦禁義也。”涅經三十一曰:“戒是一切善法梯橙。”五戒,八戒,十戒,具足戒之四級,為戒之四位。是小乘戒之分相也。戒法,戒體,戒行,戒相,為戒之四科。戒法者,如來所制之法。戒體者,由于受授之作法而領納戒法于心臍,生防非止惡之功德者。戒行者隨順其戒體而如法動作三業也。戒相者其行之差別,即十戒乃至二百五十戒也。一切之戒,盡具此四科。資持記上一之三曰:“欲達四科,先須略示。聖人制教名法,納法成業名體。依體起護名行,為行有儀名相。”補助儀上曰:“戒科總有四重:謂戒法,戒體,戒行,戒相。(中略)戒法者,舍那佛三聚淨戒功德是也。戒體者,師資相傳,作法受得,心中領納法體也。此受持法體一一行彰以雲戒行,其行有開遮持犯,名雲戒相也。”

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 防非止惡的意思,不但惡事不可做,就是惡的念頭也不許有。又名清涼,因人能止惡行善,則必心安理得,俯仰無愧,故心無熱惱而得清涼。

Buddhism words and phrases precepts

CF-Dict: se garder de/s'abstenir de/se passer de/avertir/ règle bouddhiste/bague/anneau

Han-De-Dict: Ring, Fingerring (u.E.) (S); Bsp.: 鑽戒 钻戒 -- Diamantring/sich etwas abgewöhnen (z.B. Rauchen etc.) (u.E.) (V)/sich vor etwas hüten (u.E.) (V)/warnen vor (u.E.) (V)