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Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 14
Total Strokes: 18
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: guì
Cantonese: gwai6
JapaneseKun: HITSU
JapaneseOn: KI
Korean: KWEY
Vietnamese: cũi

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: cupboard, wardrobe, counter

CE-Dict: cupboard/cabinet/wardrobe

Soothill: A counter, cupboard, bureau.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a tree of the willow family
2.a very large tree whose beautiful fine-grained wood is good for making furniture, etc.

1.a cabinet
2.a cupboard

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: cabinet - 家具
chest - 家具
cupboard - 家具

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: ark; cabinet; cupboard; tank
【醫】 cabinet

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: ark; tank

湘雅醫學專業詞典: closet

康熙字典文字版 【辰集中】【木字部】 櫃
【唐韻】求位切【正韻】具位切,𠀤音餽。篋也。亦作匱。【書·金縢】納𠕁于金縢之匱中。 又山名。【山海經】大荒之中有山,名曰北極天櫃。

CF-Dict: armoire/coffre