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Radical Strokes: 10
Additional Strokes: 17
Total Strokes: 26
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: jì
Cantonese: kei3
JapaneseOn: KI
Korean: KI

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: thoroughbred horse; refined

CE-Dict: thoroughbred horse/refined and virtuous

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a very fast horse
2.a man of outstanding ability; a great man

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《馬部》驥 千里馬也,孫陽所相者。从馬冀聲。天水有驥縣。

康熙字典文字版 【亥集上】【馬字部】 驥
〔古文〕蘎【唐韻】【集韻】𠀤几利切,音冀。【說文】千里馬,孫陽所相者。【徐曰】孫陽卽伯樂。【張協·七命】天驥秉氣靈淵受精皎月。 又縣名。天水有驥縣。 又白驥,魚名。【古今注】兗州人呼白鯉爲白驥。 【玉篇】引穆天子傳作①。【筆叢】作𧁳。①字从莆从电,作莆下电。

CF-Dict: bon cheval/pur-sang/excellent coursier/homme distingué/talent

Han-De-Dict: Vollblutpferd (u.E.) (S)