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Radical Strokes: 10
Additional Strokes: 17
Total Strokes: 27
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: jiū
Cantonese: gau1
JapaneseKun: KUJI
JapaneseOn: KYUU
Korean: KWU

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: lots (to be drawn); draw lots

CE-Dict: lots (to be drawn)/lot (in a game of chance)

Soothill: A 1ot, tally, ballot, ticket, made of wood, bamboo, or paper; also ?. To cast lots for good or ill fortune.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a lot

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: lot

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: lot

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《鬥部》鬮 鬭取也。从鬥龜聲。讀若三合繩糾。

康熙字典文字版 【亥集上】【鬥字部】 鬮
【廣韻】居求切【集韻】居虬切,𠀤音鳩。【說文】鬭取也。【玉篇】手取也。 又【集韻】吉酉切,音糾。義同。

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)  又作簽、櫛。即為卜測吉兇禍福或裁決某事,于竹、木、紙片上記下文字或記號,或捻紙成丸狀,拈取其一,以憑取決之。此風源于我國,後為佛教所採用,其種類有觀音鬮、輪相鬮等。﹝灌頂經卷十梵天神策經、佛祖統紀卷二十六永明智覺法師傳﹞

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (雜名)鬮者從佛教出,而有種種之別。

Buddhism words and phrases lot, ballot, ticket

CF-Dict: tirer au sort

Han-De-Dict: Los (u.E.)