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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 7


Pinyin: pō, bá
Cantonese: put3

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: to push; to expel, to shirk; to decline, to row, to wipe and clean, to strike; to beat, to be rampant in defiance of authority

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《手部》㧊 㨷也。从手巿聲。

康熙字典文字版 【卯集中】【手字部】 㧊
【唐韻】【集韻】𠀤普活切,音潑。【說文】㨷也。一曰擊也。【淮南子·說林訓】游者以足蹶,以手㧊。 又【集韻】蒲撥切,音跋。推也。一曰㧊㨭,自任無憚也。 又㧊捍,地名。【唐書·西域傳】東南千餘里有㧊捍者,山四環之,地膏腴。