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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 9
Total Strokes: 13


Pinyin: nà, nài, nì
Cantonese: noi6

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: (same as 柰) a fruit tree; a crab-apple, for which the second from is strictly used, leaves sprouting from the stump of a tree; shoots from an old stump

康熙字典文字版 【辰集中】【木字部】 㮏
俗柰字。 又【集韻】乃計切,泥去聲。木立死也。 又【集韻】乃曷切【類篇】乃葛切,𠀤岸入聲。木𣖂生貌。