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Radical Strokes: 1
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 5


Pinyin: shì
Cantonese: sai3
JapaneseKun: YO
JapaneseOn: SE SEI
Korean: SEY
Vietnamese: thế

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: generation; world; era

CE-Dict: life/age/generation/era/world/lifetime/epoch/descendant/noble

Soothill: yuga (युग). An age, 1, 000th part of a kalpa. loka (लोक), the world. 世 originally meant a human generation, a period of thirty years; it is used in Buddhism both for yuga (युग), a period of time ever flowing, and loka (लोक), the world, worldly, earthly. The world is that which is to be destroyed; it is sunk in the round of mortality, or transmigration; and conceals, or is a veil over reality.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) A world; the world. (2) A generation, an age, an epoch. (3) Hereditary. (4) Be in the world; mundane, secular. (5) In Buddhism, the three worlds of past, present and future.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a generation
2.a person's life span age
4.the world

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: eon - 力
epoch - 地質

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: age; era; generation; life; lifetime; world

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: age; era; generation; life; lifetime; world

湘雅醫學專業詞典: epoch

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《卅部》世 三十年為一丗。从卅而曳長之。亦取其聲也。

康熙字典文字版 【子集上】【一字部】 世
〔古文〕卋【廣韻】舒制切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】始制切,𠀤音勢。代也。【詩·大雅】本支百世。又【論語】必世而後仁。【註】三十年爲一世。【左傳·宣三年】王孫滿曰:卜世三十,卜年七百,天所命也。 又【維摩經】大千世界。【註】世謂同居天地之閒,界謂各有彼此之別。 又姓。【風俗通】秦大夫世鈞。又與生同。【列子·天瑞篇】亦如人自世之老,皮膚爪髮,隨世隨落。【註】世與生同。 又【韻補】叶私列切,音薛。【詩·大雅】殷鑒不遠,在夏后之世。叶上撥。撥音撇。【晉書·樂志】匡時拯俗,休功蓋世。宇宙旣康,九有有截。 【集韻】書作𠀍。

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)  梵語loka。音譯作路迦。(一)為‘世間’之略稱。指世俗、凡俗。具有可毀壞、有對治、隱覆真理等諸意。﹝成唯識論述記卷一本﹞(參閱‘世界’1517、‘世間’ 1524)

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (術語)梵語曰路迦Loka,世俗也。可破毀者,墮于生滅者,覆真理者。義林章二末曰:“世謂隱覆可毀壞義。”又曰:“性墮起盡,名之為世。”唯識述記一本曰:“可毀壞故,有對治故。隱真理故,名之為世。”又,時之異名。遷流之義。楞嚴經曰:“世為遷流。(中略)過去未來現在為世。”十地義記一本曰:“世名為時。”

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 1.世界的簡稱。2.時的別名,如過去現在未來都叫做世。

Buddhism words and phrases (term) world

Japanese-English River and Water Resources Glossary epoch

CF-Dict: vie/génération/monde

Han-De-Dict: Ära oder Aera, Lebenszeit, Generation (u.E.) (S)