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Radical Strokes: 1
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 5


Pinyin: bǐng, bìng
Cantonese: bing2
JapaneseKun: HINOE
JapaneseOn: HEI HYOU
Korean: PYENG
Vietnamese: bính

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: third; 3rd heavenly stem

CE-Dict: third of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/third in order/letter "C" or roman "III" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/propyl

Soothill: Fire, heat, south; the third of the ten stems.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the third of the ten "Celestial Stems"
3.the tail of a fish

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: third

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: third

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《丙部》丙 位南方,萬物成,炳然。陰气初起,陽气將虧。从一入冂。一者,陽也。丙承乙,象人肩。凡丙之屬皆从丙。

康熙字典文字版 【子集上】【一字部】 丙
【唐韻】兵永切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】補永切,𠀤音炳。十幹名之一。【爾雅·釋天】太歲在丙曰柔兆。月在丙曰修。【說文】南方之位也。南方屬火,而丙丁適當其處,故有文明之象。 又【周髀算經】上天名靑丙,下地曰靑戊。 又【張衡·東京賦】大丙弭節,風后陪乗。【註】大丙,神名。 又【集韻】陂病切,音柄。日名。

Buddhism words and phrases third (in order)

Japanese Places Hei (loc)

CF-Dict: bing (tronc céleste)/troisième

Han-De-Dict: dritter der zehn Himmelsstämme (u.E.)