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Radical Strokes: 3
Total Strokes: 3


Pinyin: kǒu
Cantonese: hau2
JapaneseKun: KUCHI
JapaneseOn: KOU KU
Korean: KWU
Vietnamese: khẩu

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: mouth; open end; entrance, gate

CE-Dict: mouth/classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc)/classifier for bites or mouthfuls

Soothill: mukha, the mouth, especially as the organ of speech. 身, 口, 意 are the three media of corruption, body or deed , mouth or word, and mind or thought.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: hold the tongue

1.the mouth entrance; an opening
3.a tear; a slit; a cut
4.a knife's edge

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: aditus - 動
meatus - 解剖
mouth - 解剖
opening - 建
orifice - 科技
oro- - 生物
os - 解剖
ostium - 生物
stoma - 動

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: cut; gob; jaws; mouth; opening; ostium; scoop; stoma
【醫】 aditus; apertura; aperturae; aperture; bouche; introitus; meatus; mouth
opening; ora; orifice; orificium; oro-; os1; ostia; ostium; portal
stoma; stomata; stomato-; trema

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: gob; jaws; meatus; mouth; ora; orifice; ostium; scoop; stoma; stomata

湘雅醫學專業詞典: aperture;bouche;entrance;introitus;meatus;Mo;mouth;Mth;opening;orifice;orificium;oro-;port;port-hole;scoop;stom-;stoma;stomat-;stomata;stomato-;stomo-;strait;trema

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《口部》口 人所以言食也。象形。凡口之屬皆从口。

康熙字典文字版 【丑集上】【口字部】 口
〔古文〕𠮚𠙵【唐韻】苦后切【集韻】【韻會】去厚切【正韻】苦厚切,𠀤𡨥上聲。【說文】人所以言食也。象形。【易·頤卦】自求口食。【書·大禹謨】唯口出好興戎。 又戸口。【孟子】數口之家。【前漢·宣帝紀】膠東相成勞來不怠,流民自占八萬餘口。又【李陵傳】捕得生口,言李陵敎單于爲兵,以備漢軍。 又姓。【唐韻】今同州有之。【正字通】明弘治中,宣府通判口祿。又古口,複姓。【正字通】漢有古口引。 又壺口,山名。【書·禹貢】冀州旣載壺口。 又谷口,地名。【史記·范睢傳】北有甘泉谷口。【註】九嵏山中西謂之谷口。 又列口,縣名。【前漢·地理志】樂浪郡,列口縣。 又【史記·倉公傳】切其脉時,右口氣息。【註】右手寸口也。脉經,從魚際至高骨却行一寸,其中名曰寸口,其骨自高。 又【韻補】苦動切,音孔。【釋名】口,空也。空上聲。 又叶康杜切,音苦。【詩·小雅】好言自口,莠言自口。憂心愈愈,是以有侮。【前漢·溝洫志】且漑且糞,長我禾黍。衣食京師,億萬之口。【宋玉·風賦】侵淫谿谷,盛怒於土囊之口,緣泰山之阿,舞於松柏之下。下叶音戸。◎按唐韻正,口古音苦。引朱子韓文考異云:今建州人謂口爲苦,走爲祖。雖出俚俗,亦由音本相近,故與古暗合也。是直以爲口當讀作苦,非止叶音矣。 又叶恪侯切,音彄。【梁法雲·三洲歌】三洲斷江口,水從窈窕河傍流。

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (術語)言說之處。大乘義章七曰:“起說之門,說之為口。”

Buddhism words and phrases mouth, speech

Japanese-English River and Water Resources Glossary vent

CF-Dict: bouche/ouverture/entrée/passe/trou

Han-De-Dict: Öffnung (S)/Mund (S)/ZEW für Dinge mit einem Mund / einer Öffnung wie Menschen, Haustiere, Brunnen, Schächte, Kanonen (Zähl)/Kou (Eig, Fam)/Radikal Nr. 30 = Mund, Öffnung, Eingang, Mündung (S, Sprachw)/ZEW für Familienmitglieder (Zähl)