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Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 12
Total Strokes: 15


Pinyin: sī
Cantonese: sai1 si1
JapaneseKun: INANAKU
JapaneseOn: SEI
Korean: SI
Vietnamese: tê

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: neighing of a horse; gravel voiced, husky throated; (Cant.) to hiccough

CE-Dict: hiss/neigh/Ss! (sound of air sucked between the teeth, indicating hesitation or thinking over)

Soothill: To neigh; a crashing noise.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the neighing of a horse
2.(said of voice) hoarse

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: hoarse; neigh; nicker; whinny

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: hoarse; neigh; nicker; whiny

康熙字典文字版 【丑集上】【口字部】 嘶
【廣韻】先稽切【集韻】【正韻】先齊切,𠀤音西。【玉篇】噎也。 又【玉篇】馬鳴也。 又【前漢·王莽傳】大聲而嘶。【註】師古曰:嘶,聲破也。 又【禮·內則】鳥皫色而沙鳴鬱。【註】沙猶嘶也。◎按周禮天官內饔註作澌。韻會有澌無嘶。

CF-Dict: hennir

Han-De-Dict: fauchen, zischen (u.E.)