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Additional Strokes: 11
Total Strokes: 14
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Pinyin: chén
Cantonese: can4
JapaneseKun: CHIRI
JapaneseOn: JIN
Korean: CIN
Vietnamese: trần

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: dust, dirt, ashes, cinders

CE-Dict: dust/dirt/earth

Soothill: guṇa (गुण), in Sanskrit inter alia means 'a secondary element', 'a quality', 'an attribute of the five elements', e.g. 'ether has śabda (शब्द) or sound for its guṇa (गुण) and the ear for its organ'. In Chinese it means 'dust, small particles; molecules, atoms, exhalations'. It may be intp. as an atom, or matter, which is considered as defilement; or as an active, conditioned principle in nature, minute, subtle, and generally speaking defiling to pure mind; worldly, earthly, the world. The six guṇa (गुण)s or sensation-data are those of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and thought.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) Object. synonymous with 境 (artha, visaya, gocara). (2) Material object(s). This world. (3) Impurity, pollution (rajas, pa^msu). (4) Defilement, affliction (upakle/sa). (5) Stain, blot, dirt, flow, shortcoming. (6) Atom; minute particle; dust mote.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.dust

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: dirt; dust; this world

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: dirt; dust; this world

湘雅醫學專業詞典: sordes

康熙字典文字版 【丑集中】【土字部】 塵
〔古文〕𦧄𡐪尘【唐韻】直珍切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】池鄰切,𠀤音𨻰。埃也。【爾雅·釋詁】久也。謂塵垢稽久也。【詩·小雅】無將大車,祗自塵兮。【後漢·班固傳】風伯淸塵。【拾遺記】石虎起樓四十丈,異香爲屑,風起則揚之,名芳塵。【嶺南表異錄】犀角爲簪梳,塵不著髮,名辟塵犀。 又淫視爲遊塵,見【穀梁序疏】。 又明窻塵,丹砂,藥名。【李白·草創大還詩】髣髴明窻塵。 又【梵書·圓覺經】根塵虛妄。【註】根塵,六根之塵,謂眼、耳、鼻、舌、心、意。又【列仙傳】麻姑謂王方平曰:見東海三變爲桑田,今將行復揚塵乎。 又姓,見【統譜】。 又叶直連切,音廛。【班彪·北征賦】忽進路以息節兮,飮予馬兮洹泉。朝露漸予冠蓋兮,衣晻藹而蒙塵。

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)  (一)梵語rajas,巴利語raja。為顯色之一。即青、黃、赤、白、雲、煙、塵、霧等十二種顯色,與方、圓、長、短等八種形色,合為二十種色法,共為眼根之對象。據俱舍論卷十二載,塵又有微塵、金塵、水塵、兔毛塵、羊毛塵、牛毛塵、隙遊塵等分別,七個極微,合為一微塵;七個微塵,合為一金塵;七金塵合為一水塵;順次類推。此處,塵意指微細之物質。塵常浮動,且附著于他物而染污之,故喻稱煩惱為塵垢、塵勞、客塵,或俗塵。﹝長阿含卷一大本經、佛本行集經卷三十四轉法輪品﹞(參閱‘極微’5479)
 (二)梵語artha, vis!aya。真諦等舊譯家將之譯作塵,新譯作境或境界。為引起眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意六根的感覺思惟作用之對象、對境。計有六種,即色、聲、香、味、觸、法,稱之六境、六塵。譯作塵,蓋取色等六境具有染污情識之義。﹝大毗婆沙論卷一三二、卷一三六、俱舍論卷一、卷二、成實論卷四根塵合離品﹞(參閱‘境’5765)

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (術語)謂一切世間之事法,染污真性者。四塵五塵六塵等。法界次第曰:“塵即垢染之義,謂此六塵能染污真性故也。”大乘義章八末曰:“能坌名塵,坌污心故。”

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 指不淨和能污濁人們真性的一切事物,如四塵五塵六塵等是。

Buddhism words and phrases (term) Defilement
(term) Impurity
(term) Object
(term) pollution

CF-Dict: poussière

Han-De-Dict: Erde (u.E.)/Staub (u.E.)