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Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 11
Total Strokes: 14


Pinyin: jìng
Cantonese: ging2
JapaneseKun: SAKAI
JapaneseOn: KYOU KEI
Korean: KYENG
Vietnamese: cảnh

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: boundary, frontier; area, region

CE-Dict: border/place/condition/boundary/circumstances/territory

Soothill: viṣaya (विषय); artha (अर्थ); gocara (गोचर). A region, territory, environment, surroundings, area, field, sphere, e.g. the sphere of mind, the sphere of form for the eye, of sound for the ear, etc.; any objective mental projection regarded as reality.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) Object, objective (the external realm's) existence. Phenomena, appearance. Thing(s), affairs. That which is apprehended and discerned by the mind and sense-organs. The term generally refers to the objects that give rise to the cognitive activity of the six organs; thus the six objective realms (六境 (liu jing). Since these are what defile the human mind, the term (塵) or "dust" is also used interchangeably with 境 (visaya, gocara, artha). (2) Object(s) of cognition. The objects of value judgments; synonymous. with suoqu 所取. (3) The objects of the five faculties, thus a reference to the five objective realms. When the mind-objects are added, there are six realms, as mentioned above. (4) The discernment of the Buddha's dharma, the object of excellent wisdom. (5) Mental state or condition; sphere, viewpoint. (6) In Consciousness-only theory the three kinds of objects that are discriminated by their qualities. These are: 'real objects' (xingjing 性境); 'image-only objects' (duyingjing 獨影境); and 'archetypal objects' (daizhi 帶質). (7) World, realm. Objective realm. (8) Boundary, limit, frontier, environment, circumstances (a^lambana).

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.border; boundary
2.a place; an area

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: area; border; condition; territory

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: area; border; condition; territory

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《土部》境 疆也。从土竟聲。經典通用竟。

康熙字典文字版 【丑集中】【土字部】 境
【唐韻】【正韻】居影切【集韻】【韻會】舉影切,𠀤音景。【說文】疆也。一曰竟也,疆土至此而竟也。【魯語】外臣之言不越境。【史記·諸侯王表】諸侯比境。【註】地相接次也。【前漢·地理志】開地斥境。 通作竟。

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)  梵語vis!aya,意為感覺作用之區域;或 artha,意為對象;或 gocara,意為心之活動範圍。又譯作境界、塵。(一)即根與識之對象。亦即心與感官所感覺或思惟之對象。引起眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意六根之感覺思惟作用之對象,即色、聲、香、味、觸、法六境,以其能污染人心,故又稱為六塵。唯識大乘自本質之有無將境分為性境、獨影境、帶質境三種,以論見相二分種子之異同。此外,境又有內境外境、真境妄境、順境違境等分別。
 又境或指勝妙智慧之對象,即是佛理(真如、實相)。如天台教義之中,有‘觀不思議境’,為一種觀實相之理的觀法。(參閱‘六根’1284、‘六境’1298、‘塵’ 5762、‘識’6697)

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (術語)心之所遊履攀緣者,謂之境。如色為眼識所遊履,謂之色境。乃至法為意識所遊履,謂之法境。俱舍頌疏一曰:“色等五境為境性,是境界故。眼等五根名有境性,有境界故。”【又】實相之理,為妙智遊履之所,故稱為境。是屬于前之法境。玄義二上曰:“以境妙故,智亦隨妙。以法常故,諸佛亦常。函蓋相稱,境智不可思議。”

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 心所遊履和攀緣的境界,如色為眼識所遊履,叫做色境,法為意識所遊履,叫做法境等是。

Buddhism words and phrases (term) object

Japanese Places Sakai (loc)

Sakae (loc)

CF-Dict: frontière/territoire/région/position/situation

Han-De-Dict: Befinden, Bedingung, Kondition (u.E.) (S)/Rand, Grenze, Begrenzung (u.E.) (S)/Lage, Sachlage (u.E.)