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Radical Strokes: 3
Total Strokes: 3


Pinyin: jǐ, qǐ
Cantonese: gei2
JapaneseOn: KI KO
Korean: KI
Vietnamese: kỉ

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem

CE-Dict: self/oneself/sixth of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/sixth in order/letter "F" or roman "VI" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc/hexa

Soothill: Self, personal, own.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.oneself's own
3.the 6th of the ten Heavenly Stems used by the ancients to designate years, months, days in combination with the twelve Earthly Stems

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: oneself; personal

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: oneself; personal

湘雅醫學專業詞典: hexa-

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《己部》己 中宮也。象萬物辟藏詘形也。己承戊,象人腹。凡己之屬皆从己。

康熙字典文字版 【寅集中】【己字部】 己
〔古文〕𢀒【唐韻】居擬切【集韻】【韻會】苟起切【正韻】居里切,𠀤音紀。【廣韻】身也。【韻會】對物而言曰彼己。【書·大禹謨】舍己從人。【禮·坊記】君子貴人而賤己,先人而後己。 又【韻會】私也。【論語】克己復禮。 又【釋名】紀也。【詩·小雅】式夷式己。【箋】爲政當用平正之人,用能紀理其事也。 又日名。【說文】己,中宮也,象萬物辟藏詘形也。己承戊,象人腹。【爾雅·釋天】太歲在己曰屠維,月在己曰則。【禮·月令】季夏之月,其日戊己。【註】己之爲言起也。 又官名。【後漢·西域傳】元帝置戊己校尉,屯田於車師前王庭。【註】戊己中央,鎭覆四方。又開渠播種,以爲厭勝,故稱戊己焉。 又【集韻】口已切,音起。姓也。【詩·商頌】韋顧旣伐,昆吾夏桀。【箋】顧昆吾,皆己姓也。

Buddhism words and phrases self, personal, private

Japanese Places Ki (loc)

CF-Dict: soi-même/personnel/privé/égoïste/49e radical

Han-De-Dict: der sechste der zehn "Himmelsstämme" des chinesischen Kalenders (S)/Hexyl, Hexyl-Gruppe (S, Chem)/selber, selbst, sich, persönlich (Adj)/Radikal Nr. 49 = selbst, persönlich, eigen (Varianten: 巳, 已)

Finnish: 6. taivaallinen runko (Yin Maa); itse, privaatti, oma, personal