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Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 6
Total Strokes: 9


Pinyin: yōu
Cantonese: jau1
JapaneseOn: YUU
Korean: YU

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: quiet, secluded, tranquil; dark

CE-Dict: remote/hidden away/secluded/serene/peaceful/to imprison/in superstition indicates the underworld/ancient district spanning Liaonang and Hebei provinces

Soothill: Hidden, dark, mysterious. 幽儀 The mysterious form, the spirit of the dead. 幽冥 Mysterious, beyond comprehension; the shades. 幽途 The dark paths, i. e. of rebirth in purgatory or as hungry ghosts or animals. 幽靈 Invisible spirits, the spirits in the shades, the souls of the departed.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.deep and remote; secluded; dim
2.secret; hidden
3.quiet; tranquil; serene imprison
5.of the nether world

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: deep and remote; imprison; quiet; secluded; secret; serene

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: deep and remote; imprison; quiet; secluded; secret; serene

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《𢆶部》幽 隱也。从山中𢆶,𢆶亦聲。

康熙字典文字版 【寅集下】【幺字部】 幽
【唐韻】【集韻】於虯切【韻會】幺虯切【正韻】於尤切,𠀤音呦。【說文】幽隱也。【易·履卦】幽人貞吉。【疏】幽隱之人,守道貞吉。【禮·儒行】幽居而不淫。【疏】君子雖復隱處,常自修整不傾邪也。【後漢·章帝章和元年詔】光照六幽。【註】謂六合幽隱之處也。 又【爾雅·釋詁】幽,微也。【疏】幽者,深微也。【史記·樂書】極幽而不隱。 又【玉篇】幽,深遠也。【易·繫辭】无有遠近幽深。【疏】言易之告人,无問遠之與近,及幽邃深遠之處,皆告之也。【詩·小雅】幽幽南山。【註】幽幽,深遠也。 又【玉篇】幽,不明。【正韻】幽,闇也。【書·舜典】黜陟幽明。【註】黜退其幽者,升進其明者。【禮·檀弓】望反諸幽,求諸鬼神之道也。【註】鬼神處幽闇。 又【正韻】幽,囚也。【史記·太史公自序】幽於縲紲。【楊惲報孫會宗書】身幽北闕。 又州名。【書·舜典】肇十有二州。【傳】禹治水之後,舜分冀州爲幽州幷州。【爾雅·釋地】燕曰幽州。【疏】燕其氣深要,厥性剽疾,故曰幽。幽,要也。 又地名。【左傳·莊十六年】同盟于幽。【註】幽,宋地。 又國名。【山海經】大荒之中,有思幽之國,思士不妻,思女不夫。【註】言其人直思感而氣通,無配合而生子。 又姓。【廣韻】出《姓苑》。 又與黝通。【集韻】黝或作幽。【禮·玉藻】一命縕紱幽衡,再命赤紱幽衡。【註】幽,讀爲黝黑之黝。 又叶於交切,音窔。【道藏歌】迴舞太空嶺,六氣運重幽。我際豈能窮,使爾終不彫。又【詩·小雅】隰桑有阿,其葉有幽。旣見君子,德音孔膠。【傳】幽,黑色。
考證:〔【禮·檀弓】望及諸幽,求諸鬼神之道也。〕 謹照原文及改反。

Buddhism words and phrases Obscure, obscured

CF-Dict: à distance /caché/calme/sérénité/pacifique

Han-De-Dict: ruhig, still (u.E.)/You (u.E.) (Eig, Fam)