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Radical Strokes: 4
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Pinyin: yuè, rù
Cantonese: jyut6
JapaneseKun: TSUKI
Korean: WEL
Vietnamese: nguyệt

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: moon; month; KangXi radical 74

CE-Dict: moon/month/CL:個|个[ge4],輪|轮[lun2]

Soothill: candra, 旅達 (旅達羅); 旂陀羅; 戰達羅; 戰捺羅 the moon, called also 蘇摩 soma, from the fermented juice of asclepias acida used in worship, and later personified in association with the moon. It has many other epithets, e. g. 印度 Indu, incorrectly intp. as marked like a hare; 創夜神 Niśākara, maker of the night; 星宿王 Nakṣatranātha, lord of constellations; 喜懷之頭飾 the crest of Siva; 蓮華王 Kumuda-pati, lotus lord; 白馬主 Śvetavājin, drawn by (or lord of) white horses; 大白光神 Śītāṃśu, the spirit with white rays; 冷光神 Sitamarici, the spirit with cool rays; 鹿形神 Mṛgāṅka, the spirit with marks m form like a deer; 野兔形神 Śaśi, ditto like a hare.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the moon
2.a month

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: month - 天

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: Luna; month; the moon
【經】 month; mth

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: Diana; Luna; mo.; month

湘雅醫學專業詞典: mon.;month

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《月部》月 闕也。大陰之精。象形。凡月之屬皆从月。

康熙字典文字版 【辰集上】【月字部】 月
【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】𠀤魚厥切,音軏。【說文】闕也。太隂之精。【釋名】月,缺也,滿則缺也。【易·繫辭】隂陽之義配日月。【禮·祭義】月生於西。【公羊傳·莊二十五年註】月者,土地之精。【史記·天官書註】月者,隂精之宗。【淮南子·天文訓】水氣之精者爲月。 又【書·堯典】以閏月定四時成歲。【傳】一歲十二月,月三十日,三歲則置閏焉。又【洪範】二曰月。【傳】所以紀一月。【疏】從朔至晦,大月三十日,小月二十九日。【禮·禮運】月以爲量。【註】天之運行,每三十日爲一月。 又姓。金月彥明首建孔子廟,明洪武中有月輝、月文憲。 又外國名。【前漢·霍去病傳】遂臻小月氏。 又【韻補】叶危睡切。【曹植·七啓】世有聖宰,翼帝霸世。同量乾坤,等曜日月。 又叶魚橘切。【黃庭經】洞房靈象斗日月,父曰泥丸母雌一,三光煥照入子室。 【類篇】唐武后作囝。

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (雜名)梵語曰戰捺Candra,遺教經曰:“月可令熱,日可令冷,佛說四諦不可令異。”止觀一曰:“月隱重山,舉扇類之;風息太虛,動樹訓之。”月為勢至菩薩之化現。【參見: 月天子】

Buddhism words and phrases moon



Japanese Places Tsuki (loc)

Japanese-English River and Water Resources Glossary moon

CF-Dict: Octobre

Han-De-Dict: Monat (S)/Mond (S)/Radikal Nr. 74 = Mond (S)/rund, mondförmig (Adj)

Finnish: kuu, kuukausi