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Radical Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 4


Pinyin: zhǎo, zhuǎ
Cantonese: zaau2
JapaneseKun: TSUME
JapaneseOn: SOU
Korean: CO
Vietnamese: trảo

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: claw, nail, talon; animal feet

CE-Dict: claw

Soothill: Claws, talons; servants.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a claw; a talon; a paw
1.a claw; a talon

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: claw - 動
nail - 動
onychium - 動
unguis - 動
ungula - 動
jaw - 機

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: claw
【醫】 claw; helo-; nail; onycho-

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: armature; claw; talon; unguis

湘雅醫學專業詞典: calw;catch;claw;detent;helo-;onych-;onychium;onycho-;ungula

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《爪部》爪 丮也。覆手曰爪。象形。凡爪之屬皆从爪。

康熙字典文字版 【巳集中】【爪字部】 爪
〔古文〕㕚【唐韻】【集韻】𠀤側絞切,音抓。【說文】覆手曰爪。【詩·小雅】祈父子王之爪牙。【周禮·冬官考工記·梓人】凡攫閷援簭之類,必深其爪,出其目,作其鱗之而。【廣韻】手足甲也。【集韻】本作㕚。或作蚤搔。◎按韻會云:說文爪本爲抓爪之爪,非手足甲也。亦太迂泥,不可从。 又【集韻】【類篇】𠀤阻敎切,音笊。【集韻】覆手取物。一曰扟也。

Buddhism words and phrases claws

Japanese Places Tsume (loc)

CF-Dict: griffes, serres/égratigner/87e classif.

Han-De-Dict: Fang, Klaue (u.E.) (S)/Kralle (u.E.) (S)/Radikal Nr. 87 = Klaue, Kralle (Variante: 爫) (u.E.)