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Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 6
Total Strokes: 10


Pinyin: píng
Cantonese: peng4 ping4
JapaneseKun: KAME
JapaneseOn: HEI BIN
Korean: PYENG
Vietnamese: bình

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: jug, pitcher, vase, jar, bottle

CE-Dict: bottle/vase/pitcher/CL:個|个[ge4]/classifier for wine and liquids

Soothill: A bottle, vase, jar, pitcher, etc.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a bottle; a vase

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: bottle - 包裝
flask - 包裝

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: bottle; flask; jar; vase
【化】 flask
【醫】 bottle; jar; Lag.; lagena

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: bottle; flask; vase

湘雅醫學專業詞典: bot.;bottle;carboy;container;flask;jar;lagena

康熙字典文字版 【午集上】【瓦字部】 瓶

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)  又作瓶。乃陶器,或為金屬所制之容器。(一)梵語kalas/a。音譯為迦羅奢。系盛五谷、香水等,供養佛、菩薩時所用。又因瓶常用以貯存財寶,可應他人之願,而使其滿足,故稱德瓶、如意瓶、滿瓶等。(參閱‘賢瓶’6180)

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (物名)經論引瓶為譬者甚多。

CF-Dict: Billard italien