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Radical Strokes: 6
Additional Strokes: 7
Total Strokes: 12


Pinyin: yán, xiàn
Cantonese: jin4
JapaneseOn: EN SEN

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: the hanging flap in the front of a hat

CE-Dict: cap tassels

Soothill: The threads of beads or gems which hang, front and back, from the ceremonial square cap.

康熙字典文字版 【未集中】【糸字部】 綖
【廣韻】以然切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】夷然切,𠀤音延。【玉篇】冕前後垂覆也。【左傳·桓二年】衡紞紘綖。【註】綖,冠上覆。【疏】冕以木爲幹,以𤣥布衣其上謂綖。 又通作延。【禮·玉藻】天子玉藻十有二旒,前後邃延。【註】延,冕上覆也。【釋文】《字林》作綖。 又【集韻】【韻會】𠀤以淺切,音演。義同。 又【集韻】延面切,音衍。義同。 又【集韻】私箭切,音線。綫或从延。