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Radical Strokes: 6
Additional Strokes: 6
Total Strokes: 12


Pinyin: èr
Cantonese: ji6 nei6
JapaneseOn: JI NI

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: the blood of a sacrificial fowl which was sprinkled on the doors and vessels

CE-Dict: the blood of a sacrificial fowl which was sprinkled on doors and vessels

康熙字典文字版 【申集下】【血字部】 衈
【唐韻】【集韻】𠀤仍吏切,音餌。開𠛬書殺雞血祭名。 又【玉篇】耳血也。【禮·雜記】其衈皆于屋下。【註】衈,謂將刲割牲以釁,先滅耳傍毛薦之。耳,聽聲者,告神欲其聽之。 又釁也。【穀梁傳·僖十九年】用之者,叩其鼻以衈社也。【范甯註】取鼻血以釁祭社器。