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Radical Strokes: 8
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 12


Pinyin: xióng
Cantonese: hung4
JapaneseKun: OSU O
JapaneseOn: YUU
Korean: WUNG
Vietnamese: hùng

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: male of species; hero; manly

CE-Dict: male/staminate/grand/imposing/powerful/mighty/person or state having great power and influence

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.male
2.a person of power and stature

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: andr- - 生物

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: grand; hero; male; mighty; powerful
【醫】 andr-; andro-; arrheno-

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: male; grand; imposing; powerful

湘雅醫學專業詞典: andr-;andro-;arrheno-

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《隹部》雄 鳥父也。从隹厷聲。

康熙字典文字版 【戌集中】【隹字部】 雄
〔古文〕赨【集韻】【韻會】𠀤胡弓切,音熊。【說文】鳥父也。【爾雅·釋鳥】鳥翼,右掩左雄,左掩右雌。【詩·邶風】雄雉于飛,泄泄其羽。 又【集韻】牡也。【詩·齊風】雄狐綏綏。○按詩衞風傳云:飛曰雌雄,走曰牝牡。然齊風言雄狐,狐,走類也,亦曰雄。《正字通》云:物各有雌雄,鱗介至蟣蝨皆然,詩傳分屬獸禽,非。 又【集韻】一曰武稱。【左傳·襄二十一年】齊莊公朝指殖綽郭最曰:是寡人之雄也。【人物志】草之精秀者爲英,鳥之將羣者爲雄。張良是英,韓信是雄。 又州名。【韻會】本涿郡地,周置雄州。又南雄州,百粵地南,漢置雄州,宋加南字。 又【廣韻】亦姓。舜友有雄陶。【集韻】亦作𩿅。

Japanese Places Ondori (loc)

CF-Dict: mâle/grand/grandiose/puissant

Han-De-Dict: heldenhaft (Adj)/männlich (Adj)/Xiong (Eig, Fam)