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Radical Strokes: 8
Additional Strokes: 13
Total Strokes: 21


Pinyin: pī
Cantonese: pik1
JapaneseKun: HATAMEKU
JapaneseOn: HEKI HYAKU
Korean: PYEK

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: thunder, crashing thunder

CE-Dict: clap of thunder

Soothill: Crash, rumble.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.thunders; a sudden peal of thunder

康熙字典文字版 【戌集中】【雨字部】 霹
【廣韻】普擊切【集韻】【韻會】匹歷切,𠀤音澼。【玉篇】霹靂。【爾雅·釋天·疾雷爲霆霓註】雷之急擊者爲霹靂。【疏】《說文》云震,劈歷振物者。疾雷一名霆霓,一名震。春秋震夷伯之廟,謂劈歷破之是也。霹靂,俗字也。【埤雅】震又曰辟歷。辟,折也。所歷皆破折也。【集韻】或作礔。 又【集韻】匹辟切,音闢。義同。【韻會補】一曰雷神名。

CF-Dict: bruit du tonnerre

Han-De-Dict: Donnerschlag (u.E.)