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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 5
Additional Strokes: 14
Total Strokes: 19


Pinyin: jiǎo
Cantonese: gau2 gei3 gei6 hau6

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: a kind of water containers ( to keep warm in cold days); a mental hot-water bottle, to stir or scratch and make it muddy or turbid

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《皿部》䀊 器也。从皿漻聲。

康熙字典文字版 【午集中】【皿字部】 䀊
【唐韻】古巧切【集韻】吉巧切,𠀤音狡。【說文】器也。【類篇】撓使濁也。 又【廣韻】下巧切,効上聲。【廣韻】溫器也。【類篇】鎢錥也。 又【集韻】後敎切,音効。義同。 又【集韻】力竹切,音六。亦器也。 或省作𥂔。亦从犬作𥃃。