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Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 8


Pinyin: qín, kān, qiàn, qián
Cantonese: kam4

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: to hold; to grasp; irregular; uneven, a precipice beneath an overhanging cliff, (same as 拑) to take by force; to control with threat of force; to coerce

康熙字典文字版 【卯集下】【攴字部】 㪁
【廣韻】巨金切【集韻】渠金切,𠀤音琴。持也,或作鈙。 又【廣韻】口含切【集韻】枯含切,𠀤音龕。㪁敧,不齊也。又【廣韻】丘广切【集韻】丘凡切,𠀤音奩義同。 又【廣韻】丘釅切【集韻】去劒切,𠀤音欠。厓下也。【類篇】厓閒也。 又【廣韻】丘嚴切【集韻】口嚴切,𠀤音厱。拈,或作㪁。 又【集韻】其淹切,音箝。義同。