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Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 12
Total Strokes: 15


Pinyin: jiàn
Cantonese: gaan2 gaan3

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: a mountain stream or torrent, a number measuring used in ancient times; a hundred million waterways (ditches) equal to a mountain stream, a river in ancient, head source in south of Henan Province, flowing east then north to combine with Gushui (today's Jianhe)

康熙字典文字版 【巳集上】【水字部】 㵎
【唐韻】古莧切【集韻】居莧切,𠀤音覸。【說文】山夾水也。【詩·召南】于㵎之中。 又水名。【書·禹貢】伊洛瀍㵎。 又【前漢·地理志】㵎水出金城郡,今居縣西北塞外。 又【集韻】居閑切,音閒。義同。 別作礀𡼥。