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Radical Strokes: 4
Additional Strokes: 8
Total Strokes: 12


Pinyin: fèi
Cantonese: fe3 fei2 he3

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: two brindled cows to plough face to each other, to cultivate; to plant after the second time of ploughing; (Cant.) to push lightly, flick off

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《牛部》㹃 兩壁耕也。从牛非聲。一曰覆耕穜也。讀若匪。

康熙字典文字版 【巳集下】【牛字部】 㹃
【唐韻】府尾切【集韻】非尾切,𠀤音匪。【說文】兩壁耕也。从牛非聲。一曰覆耕種也。讀若匪。 又【玉篇】甫胃切【集韻】【類篇】父沸切,𠀤音翡。義同。 又【集韻】方未切,音沸。【博雅】耦㹃,耕也。 又【集韻】補妹切,音背。【廣雅】耕也。【集韻】或作𤘿。