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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 6
Additional Strokes: 11
Total Strokes: 17


Pinyin: shāo, shuò
Cantonese: sau1 se3 sok3

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: (same as 稍) move a little; shake slightly, (same as 梢) the tip of a branch or things of similar shape, the end of rudder or helm, a besom for rice

康熙字典文字版 【未集上】【竹字部】 䈾
【類篇】【篇海】𠀤所交切,音稍。船舵尾。 又與稍同。【馬融·長笛賦】其應淸風也,纖末奮䈾。【註】《方言》曰:稍,動也。䈾與稍同。 又【集韻】色角切,音朔。飯帚也。 【集韻】或省作筲。