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Radical: 丿
Radical Strokes: 1
Additional Strokes: 9
Total Strokes: 10


Pinyin: chéng, shèng
Cantonese: sing4 sing6
JapaneseKun: NORU
JapaneseOn: JOU SHOU
Korean: SUNG
Vietnamese: thặng

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: ride, ascend; avail oneself of; numerary adjunct for vehicles

CE-Dict: four horse military chariot (archaic)/four (archaic)/generic term for history books

Soothill: Yāna 衍; 野那 a vehicle, wain, any means of conveyance; a term applied to Buddhism as carrying men to salvation. The two chief divisions are the 小乘 Hīnayāna and 大乘 Mahāyāna; but there are categories of one, two, three, four, and five sheng q.v., and they have further subdivisions.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) To avail oneself of; to ascend; to ride. (2) to multiply. (3) A team of four horses. (4) A counter for vehicles. (5) Cart, vehicle (車). (6) A Buddhist teaching.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: ride (horses, bicycles) travel by (ship, airplane, bus) make use of an opportunity
4.[Mathematics] to multiply
1.historical records ancient carriage
3.Buddhist teaching -- a conveyance to bring the truth to men and help them
4.a team of four horses

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: multiply; ride; ride on; take; take advantage of
【計】 multiply

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: ride; multiply

康熙字典文字版 【子集上】【丿字部】 乘
〔古文〕𠅞𠓸【唐韻】食陵切【集韻】【韻會】神陵切,𠀤音繩。【廣韻】駕也,登也。【易•乾卦】時乘六龍以御天。 又因也。【孟子】不如乘勢。【老子•道德經】乗乗兮若無所歸。 又治也。【詩•豳風】亟其乘屋。 又勝也。【周語】乘人不義陵也。 又計也。【周禮•夏官•槀人】乘其事,試其弓弩,以下上其食而誅賞。 又姓。漢煮棗侯乗昌。 又【廣韻】【韻會】實證切【集韻】石證切,𠀤音剩。車也。【詩•小雅】元戎十乘,以先啓行。 又物雙曰乘。【左傳•僖三十三年】弦高以乘韋先牛十二犒師。【揚子•方言】雙鴈曰乘。 又物四數皆曰乘。【禮•少儀】乘壺酒。【孟子】發乗矢。 又乗丘,地名。【爾雅•釋地註】乗丘,形似車乘也。 又草名。【爾雅•釋草】望乘車。【註】可爲索,長丈餘。 又【韻會】乘者,載也。取載事爲名。【孟子】晋之乗。◎按《韻瑞》引晋乘入平聲,誤。今宗譜曰家乘,義與史乘通。 又【傳燈錄】禪有淺深階級,一小乘,一大乘。頓悟自心無漏智,此心卽佛,曰最上乘。【宋沙門契嵩•原敎篇】五乘皆統之於三藏。一人乗,二天乗,三聲聞乗,四緣覺乘,五菩薩乘。後三乘導其徒出世也。前二乗以欲不可輒去,就其情而制之也。皆去聲。 又【集韻】諸應切,音證。姓也。 【說文】本作椉。

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)  梵語ya^na。音譯為衍那。有乘物、運載、運度等意。指能乘載眾生,運至彼岸者;亦即指佛陀之教法。乘有大乘、小乘、一乘、二乘、三乘、五乘等。真實之教稱正乘;為導至真實教法所假設之方便教法,稱為方便乘。又令轉方便乘而修正乘者,稱為救濟乘。﹝證契大乘經卷上、大乘起信論、大乘四法經釋、十住毗婆沙論卷一序品、梁譯攝大乘論卷十五﹞

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (術語)梵語,舊曰衍。新曰野那Ya%na。乘者乘載之義,以名行法,乘行人使至其果地之意。有一乘二乘三乘四乘五乘之別。其中一乘有二種,二乘有二種,三乘有三種,四乘有四種,五乘有五種。各【參見: 本】。

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 運載之義,是譬喻佛法如渡船,能把眾生從生死的此岸運載到涅槃的彼岸。乘有一乘、二乘、三乘、四乘、五乘之別。

Buddhism words and phrases vehicle

CF-Dict: prendre (un moyen de transport)/monter dans/profiter de quelque chose/exploiter/multiplier

Han-De-Dict: Aufzeichnungen (u.E.) (S)/Fahrzeug zum Heil (u.E.) (S, Buddh)/Fuhrwerk (u.E.) (S)/Geschichte (u.E.) (S)/Heilsweg (u.E.) (S)/Kriegswagen (u.E.) (S)/Wagen (u.E.) (Zähl)

Finnish: ratsastaa, nousta satulaan, jonkin kantamana, ajaa; käyttää jtkin, käyttää hyväkseen