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Radical Strokes: 1
Additional Strokes: 2
Total Strokes: 3


Pinyin: qǐ, qì
Cantonese: hat1
JapaneseKun: KOU KOI
JapaneseOn: KOTSU KI
Korean: KEL KI
Vietnamese: khất

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: beg; request

CE-Dict: to beg

Soothill: To beg.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): To pray for; to beg for. To beg for alms.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: beg

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: beg; supplicate

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: beg; supplicate

康熙字典文字版 【子集上】【乙字部】 乞
【廣韻】去訖切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】欺訖切,𠀤音䒗。求也。【禮·內則】五帝憲三王有乞言。【史記·王翦傳】將軍之乞貸,亦已甚矣。【後漢·李通傳】以病上書乞身。 又【釋典】比丘者,華言乞士,謂內乞法資心,外乞食資身也。 又姓。五代將乞力。又乞伏,複姓。 又【集韻】丘旣切【正韻】去冀切,𠀤音器。凡與人物,亦曰乞。【前漢·朱買臣傳】吏卒更乞匃之。【註】音氣。【晉書·謝安傳】謂甥羊曇曰:以墅乞汝。 【鄭樵·通志】气,氣也。因聲借爲與人之乞,音氣。因與人之義,借爲求人之乞,此因借而借也。

Buddhism words and phrases pray for

CF-Dict: mendier

Han-De-Dict: bitten, betteln, etwas erbitten (u.E.)/Qi (u.E.) (Eig, Fam)