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Radical Strokes: 1
Additional Strokes: 7
Total Strokes: 8


Pinyin: shì, zì
Cantonese: si6
JapaneseOn: JI SHI
Korean: SA
Vietnamese: sự

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: affair, matter, business; to serve; accident, incident

CE-Dict: matter/thing/item/work/affair/CL:件[jian4],樁|桩[zhuang1]

Soothill: artha (अर्थ) 曰迦他 (迦 being an error for 遏); affair, concern, matter; action, practice; phenomena; to serve. It is 'practice' or the thing, affair, matter, in contrast with 理 theory, or the underlying principle.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) An affair, a matter, an undertaking, business. Matter, affair, manifest phenomena (vastu); concrete. (2) Distinct phenomenon. Individuality. Differentiated. (3) Function, activity, motion (kriya^). (4) Thing, object, body (dravya). (5) Realm, state, condition, scene.(6) In Huayan teaching, one of the four dharmadha^tu, that of individual phenomena, mentioned in contrast to the realm of undifferentiated principle 理.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.affairs
3.a job; work
4.[Informal] a trouble

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: accident; affair; be engaged in; business; job; matter; responsibility; serve
thing; trouble; work

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: accident; affair; be engaged in; business; job; matter; work; case; thing

湘雅醫學專業詞典: matter

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《史部》事 職也。从史,之省聲。

康熙字典文字版 【子集上】【亅字部】 事
〔古文〕叓𠭏【唐韻】鉏吏切【集韻】【韻會】仕吏切,𠀤音示。大曰政,小曰事。【廣韻】使也,立也,由也。【釋名】事,偉也。偉立也。凡所立之功也。【書·大禹謨】六府三事允治。 又【詩·小雅】三事大夫,莫肯夙夜。【註】三公也。 又【詩·大雅】三事就緒。【註】三農之事也。 又奉也。【禮·曲禮】年長以倍。則父事之。 又營也,治也。【史記·曹參世家】卿大夫以下吏及賓客,見參不事事。 又【廣韻】【類篇】𠀤側吏切。事刃,與倳剚同。別見人部倳字註。 又【韻補】叶逝支切,音時。【蔡邕詞】帝曰休哉,命公三事。乃耀柔嘉,是式百司。 又叶詩紙切,音始。【詩·召南】于以用之,公侯之事。叶沚。又叶疎語切,書上聲。【韓非子·揚權篇】使雞司夜,令狸執鼠。皆用其能,上乃無事。 又叶常御切,音樹。【易林】雖慍不去,復職內事。
考證:〔【書·大禹謨】三事正德,利用後生。〕 謹按後字誤刊。三事與下文六字亦不連。謹照原文改爲六府三事允治。

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)  梵語artha。指因緣生之一切有為法,即宇宙間千差萬別之現象。與平等門之‘理’相對。僧肇之寶藏論(大四五·一四三下):‘理合萬德,事出千巧;事雖無窮,理終一道。’﹝俱舍論卷二十五、華嚴五教止觀、摩訶止觀卷一上﹞(參閱‘事理’3043)

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (術語)梵語曰迦他(迦為遏之誤Artha之音譯),見梵語雜名。事者對于理之稱。顯密異其義,顯教以離因緣之無為法為理,因緣生之有為法為事。密教解理為攝持之義,一切之事相,各各攝持其體,則是即理,舉其體為地水火風空識之六大,稱之為六大法界。但依台家性具之義,則十界三千之諸法,悉為性具,而非依于因緣始生,故是亦無為常住之真如法界也。

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 凡是因緣所生之法都叫做事,離因緣造作之法則叫做理。

Buddhism words and phrases (term) affair, event

CF-Dict: être occupé/être engagé dans/ affaire/chose/accident/trouble/travail/responsabilité/implication/empêtrement

Han-De-Dict: Angelegenheit (u.E.) (S)/Sache (u.E.) (S)