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Radical Strokes: 2
Additional Strokes: 3
Total Strokes: 5


Pinyin: xiān, xiǎn
Cantonese: sin1
JapaneseOn: SEN
Korean: SEN
Vietnamese: tiên

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: Taoist super-being, transcendent, immortal

CE-Dict: immortal

Soothill: 僊 ṛṣi (ड़्षि), 哩始 an immortal. 仙人; 人仙 the genī, of whom there is a famous group of eight 八仙; an ascetic, a man of the hills, a hermit; the Buddha. The 楞嚴經 gives ten kinds of immortals, walkers on the earth, fliers, wanderers at will, into space, into the deva (देव) heavens, transforming themselves into any form, etc. The names of ten ṛṣi (ड़्षि)s, who preceded Śākyamuni, the first being 闍提首那? Jatisena; there is also a list of sixty-eight 大仙 given in the 大孔雀咒王經下 A classification of five is 天仙 deva genī, 神仙 spirit genī, 人仙 human genī, 地仙 earth, or cavern genī, and 鬼仙 ghost genī.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) A mountain man; hermit, recluse. (2) A Taoist sage, living in the lofty mountains, away from the secular world. (3) In India, forest dwelling, world-renunciant religious practitioners. (4) The r!s!i, the ancient authors of the Vedas.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a celestial being in folklore

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: celestial being; immortal

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: celestial being; immortal

康熙字典文字版 【子集中】【人字部】 仙
【廣韻】【集韻】相然切【正韻】蘇前切,𠀤音先。【釋名】老而不死曰仙。仙,遷也。遷入山也。【揚雄曰】聖人不師仙。 又胎仙,鶴也。【黃庭經】琴心三疊舞胎仙。 又輕舉貌。【杜甫詩】行遲更覺仙。 又仙居,仙遊,俱縣名。又仙霞,嶺名。 又姓。宋仙源明,明仙時忠,仙克謹。 亦作僲。

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (梵語)梵語曰哩始,R!s!i長壽不死之稱,總名行者。佛為長壽不死,故亦名仙。十二禮曰:“阿彌陀仙兩足尊。”梵語雜名曰:“仙哩始。”名義集上曰:“般若燈論雲:聲聞菩薩等亦名仙,佛于中最尊上,故名大仙。”

Buddhism words and phrases renunciant

CF-Dict: immortel/céleste/génie

Han-De-Dict: Unsterblicher (u.E.) (S)/Cent (u.E.) (S, Wirtsch)/Xian (u.E.) (Eig, Fam)

Finnish: kuolematon