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Radical Strokes: 2
Additional Strokes: 5
Total Strokes: 7


Pinyin: wèi, lì
Cantonese: wai2 wai6
JapaneseOn: I
Korean: WI
Vietnamese: vị

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: throne; position, post; rank, status; seat

CE-Dict: position/location/place/seat/classifier for people (honorific)/classifier for binary bits (e.g. 十六位 16-bit or 2 bytes)

Soothill: Position, seat, throne.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) Condition, rank, place, grade, a seat, a position. Status (da/sa^, avastha^). (2) To put into, or to be put into a (proper) position. (3) Situation, location. (4) The condition of enlightenment. (5) The position of the ruler.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a location; a place
2.[Mathematics] place; figure; digit
3.[Polite] (each) person

1. bit (short for binary digit, the smallest unit of information in a computer that must be either 0 or 1)

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: digit - 計
place - 數
potential - 物

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: digit; location; place; potential; throne
【計】 D
【化】 bit
【醫】 P; position
【經】 bit

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: digit; location; place; potential; throne; bit; potential

湘雅醫學專業詞典: bit;POS;position

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《人部》位 列中庭之左右謂之位。从人、立。

康熙字典文字版 【子集中】【人字部】 位
【廣韻】于愧切【集韻】于累切【韻會】喩累切【正韻】于位切,𠀤音壝。【說文】列中庭之左右曰位。【廣韻】正也。【易·繫辭】聖人之大寶曰位。【周禮·天官】惟王建國,辨方正位。 又凡所坐立者,皆曰位。【禮·曲禮】揖人,必違其位。【註】出位而揖,禮以變爲敬也。 又所也。【論語】君子思不出其位。【朱註】范氏曰:物各得其所,而天下之理得矣。 又姓。明位安。 又高麗人呼相似爲位。見【三國志】。 本作㑀。俗作位。㑀字原刻从亻从𡗓。
考證:〔【禮·曲禮】揖人,必違其位。【註】出位面揖,〕 謹照原文面揖改而揖。〔【易·艮卦】君子思不出其位。【註】范氏曰,物各得其所,而天下之理得矣。〕 謹按此論語經及朱註非易註也。易艮卦三字改爲論語二字,註上增朱字。

朱芾煌:法相辭典 瑜伽十三卷十八頁雲:雲何位?謂受蘊。

Buddhism words and phrases rank

Japanese-English River and Water Resources Glossary degree of accuracy
effective degit

CF-Dict: position/emplacement/(mot mesure pour les personnes)/place/siège

Han-De-Dict: Platz, Ort, Stelle (u.E.) (S)/Rang, Stellung (u.E.) (S)/Thron (u.E.) (S)/Zähleinheitswort für Personen (u.E.) (Zähl)