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Radical Strokes: 2
Additional Strokes: 5
Total Strokes: 7


Pinyin: fú, bó, bì, fó
Cantonese: bat6 fat1 fat6
JapaneseKun: HOTOKE
Vietnamese: phật

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: Buddha; of Buddhism; merciful person; Buddhist image; the dead (Jap.)

CE-Dict: Buddha/Buddhism

Soothill: Buddha, from budh (बुध्) to "be aware of", "conceive", "observe", "wake"; also 佛陀; 浮圖; 浮陀; 浮頭; 浮塔; 勃陀; 勃馱; 沒馱; 母馱; 母陀; 部陀; 休屠. Buddha means "completely conscious, enlightened", and came to mean the enlightener. he Chinese translation is 覺 to perceive, aware, awake; and 智 gnosis, knowledge. There is an Eternal Buddha, see e.g. the Lotus Sutra, cap. 16, and multitudes of Buddhas, but the personality of a Supreme Buddha, an Ādi-Buddha, is not defined. Buddha is in and through all things, and some schools are definitely Pan-Buddhist in the pantheistic sense. In the triratna (त्रिरत्न) 三寶 commonly known as 三寶佛, while Śākyamuni Buddha is the first "person" of the Trinity, his Law the second, and the Order the third, all three by some are accounted as manifestations of the All-Buddha. As Śākyamuni, the title indicates him as the last of the line of Buddhas who have appeared in this world, Maitreya is to be the next. As such he is the one who has achieved enlightenment, having discovered the essential evil of existence (some say mundane existence, others all existence), and the way of deliverance from the constant round of reincarnations; this way is through the moral life into nirvana, by means of self-abnegation, the monastic life, and meditation. By this method a Buddha, or enlightened one, himself obtains Supreme Enlightenment, or Omniscience, and according to Māhāyanism leads all beings into the same enlightenment. He sees things not as they seem in their phenomenal but in their noumenal aspects, as they really are. The term is also applied to those who understand the chain of causality (twelve nidāna (निदान)s) and have attained enlightenment surpassing that of the arhat (अर्हत्). Four types of the Buddha are referred to: (1) 三藏佛the Buddha of the Tripiṭaka who attained enlightenment on the bare ground under the bodhi-tree; (2) 通佛the Buddha on the deva (देव) robe under the bodhi-tree of the seven precious things; (3) 別佛the Buddha on the great precious Lotus throne under the Lotus realm bodhi-tree; and (4) 圓佛the Buddha on the throne of Space in the realm of eternal rest and glory where he is Vairocana. The Hīnayāna only admits the existence of one Buddha at a time; Mahāyāna claims the existence of many Buddhas at one and the same time, as many Buddhas as there are Buddha-universes, which are infinite in number.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): Buddha 佛 Means "the Enlightened One" or "the Awakened One".
(1) The most basic meaning of the Sanskrit and Pali term buddha is that of "awakened," in the special sense of one who has awakened to the true nature of existence. In this sense, the meaning is often translated as "enlightened" 覺. (2) One who has completely extinguished all afflictive states of mind 煩惱 --who utterly lacks all the mixed manifestations of ignorance 無明, desire 貪, and dislike 嗔. (3) The historical Buddha, S/a^kyamuni, who lived in India during the 6th century BCE, who had a major enlightenment experience, who subsequently taught others the way to achieve libertion, and following whose death, the religious movement called Buddhism, was formed. (3) Any one of a number the Buddhas who are said to exist in the world. In the early Pali tradition, six are name, but in the later developing Maha^ya^na tradition, Buddhas are understood to be infinite in number. In this sense, anyone who attains release (moks!a 解脫, nirva^n!a 涅槃) from this world of recurring rebirths (sam!sa^ra 流轉) can be called, in the appropriate contexts, a Buddha. (4) Buddha as an eternal principle of enlightenment/reality, expressed in the notion of the dharmaka^ya 法身 of the Buddha. (5) Buddha as buddhahood 佛地, the final stage one attains as the result of practices.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary:; similar to; as if


朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: Buddha

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: Buddha

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《人部》佛 見不審也。从人弗聲。

朱芾煌:法相辭典 如如來十號中說。
二解 大毗婆沙論一百四十三卷七頁雲:問:若如是者;三乘無學,皆是具知。何故世尊獨名為佛?答:能初覺故;能遍覺故;能別覺故;說名為佛。聲聞獨覺,不能初覺,不能遍覺,不能別覺;故不名佛。有說:若于爾燄自覺遍覺無錯謬覺;說名為佛。獨覺雖能自覺;無餘二種。聲聞俱無;故不名佛。有說:若于諸緣,能自然覺,一切種覺;說名為佛。獨覺雖有自然覺;而無一切種覺。聲聞俱無。故不名佛。有說:若智,于能覺,所覺,行相,所緣,根根義,有境境,爾燄中能遍明覺;說名為佛。二乘不爾。有說:若有聞而不舍;說名為佛。二乘不爾。有說:若相續中,永伏一切非理習氣;說名為佛。二乘不爾。有說:若有于甚深緣起河,能盡源底;說名為佛。二乘不爾。故經喻以三獸渡河。謂兔馬象。兔于水上,但浮而渡。馬或履地,或浮而渡。香象恆時蹈底而渡。聲聞獨覺及與如來渡緣起河,如次亦爾。有說:若斷二種無知,謂染不染;說名為佛。聲聞獨覺,惟能斷染,不斷不染;故不名佛。有說:若斷二種疑惑,謂事隨眠;說名為佛。聲聞獨覺,雖斷隨眠;而不斷事。故不名佛。有說:若盡智時,二障俱斷,心得解脫謂煩惱障及解脫障;說名為佛。聲聞獨覺,或先脫煩惱障,後解脫障。或先斷解脫障,後煩惱障。無俱脫者,故不名佛。有說:若具二圓滿者;說名為佛。謂所依能依。諸餘有情,或所依圓滿,非能依。如轉輪王。或能依圓滿,非所依。謂聲聞獨覺。惟佛具二,故得佛名。如所依能依;器、器中,處、處中,明、與行,應知亦爾。有說:若三事圓滿;說名為佛。謂色、族、辯。二乘不爾。有說:若三事圓滿;說名為佛。謂立誓,果成,恣間。二乘不爾。有說:若具三不護,三不共念住;說名為佛。二乘不爾。有說:若所言無二,辯才無竭,所記無謬;說名為佛。二乘不爾。有說:若具四智;說名為佛。謂因智,時智,相智,說智。二乘不爾。有說:若具四智;說名為佛。謂無著智,無礙智,無謬智,不退智。二乘不爾。有說:若具種種因覺,種種果覺,種種相續覺,種種對治覺;說名為佛。二乘不爾。有說:若世八法所不能染,功德彼岸,無能逮者,一切危扼,堪能拔濟;說名為佛。二乘不爾。有說:若具十八不共佛法,十力,四無所畏,大悲,三不共,念住;說名為佛。二乘不爾。有說:若有深遠微細遍行平等大悲心者;說名為佛。深遠者:三無數劫所積集故。微細者:覺三苦故。遍行者:緣三界故。平等者:于怨親中無轉異故。由如是等種種因緣,于三具知,惟一名佛。
三解 法蘊足論二卷六頁雲:所言佛者,謂于如來無學智見明鑑覺慧照現觀等,已能具起及得成就;故名為佛。且如有一大婆羅門,來詣佛所,以妙伽他贊問佛曰:稽首世導師,名最上覺者。何緣父母等,號尊名佛陀?世尊哀愍彼婆羅門,亦以伽他而告彼曰:婆羅門當知,我如去來佛,成就覺者相。故我名佛陀。婆羅門當知;我觀三世行,皆有生滅法。故我名佛陀。婆羅門當知;我于應知斷證修事已辦;故我名佛陀。婆羅門當知;我于一切境,具一切知見。故我名佛陀。婆羅門當知;我于無量劫,修諸純淨行,經無量死生。今于最後身,離塵垢毒箭,證得無上覺。故我名佛陀。

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)  梵語buddha 之音譯,巴利語同。全稱佛陀、佛馱、休屠、浮陀、浮屠、浮圖、浮頭、沒馱、勃陀、F陀、步他。意譯覺者、知者、覺。覺悟真理者之意。亦即具足自覺、覺他、覺行圓滿,如實知見一切法之性相,成就等正覺之大聖者。乃佛教修行之最高果位。自覺、覺他、覺行圓滿三者,凡夫無一具足,聲聞、緣覺二乘僅具自覺,菩薩具自覺、覺他,由此更顯示佛之尊貴。對佛證悟之內容,諸經論有種種說法。對佛身、佛土等,各宗派亦各有異說。但大乘則總以‘至佛果’為其終極目的。

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (術語)Buddha,佛陀之略,又作休屠、佛陀、浮陀、浮圖、浮頭、勃陀、勃[馬*太]、部陀、母陀、沒馱。譯言覺者,或智者。覺有覺察覺悟之二義,覺察煩惱,使不為害,如世人之覺知為賊者,故雲覺察,是名一切智。覺知諸法之事理,而了了分明,如睡夢之寤,謂之覺悟,是名一切種智。自覺復能覺他,自他之覺行窮滿,名為佛。自覺者,簡于凡夫,覺他者簡于二乘,覺行窮滿,簡異于菩薩。何則?以凡夫不能自覺,二乘雖自覺而無覺他之行,菩薩自覺覺他而覺行未為圓滿故也。又以知者既具足二智而覺知一切諸法,了了分明故也。南山戒本疏一曰:“佛,梵雲佛陀,或雲浮陀、佛[馬*太]步他、浮圖、浮頭。蓋傳者之訛耳。此無其人,以義翻之為覺。”宗輪論述記曰:“佛陀梵音,此雲覺者,隨舊略語,但稱曰佛。”佛地論一曰:“于一切法,一切種相,能自開覺,亦開覺一切有情。如睡夢覺醒,如蓮華開,故名佛。”智度論二曰:“佛陀秦言知者,有常無常等一切諸法,菩提樹下了了覺知,故名佛陀。”同七十曰:“佛名為覺,于一切無明睡眠中最初覺故,名為覺。”法華文句一曰:“西竺言佛陀,此言覺者、知者,對迷名知,對愚名覺。”大乘義章二十末曰:“佛者就德以立其名,佛是覺知,就斯立稱。覺有兩義:一覺察,名覺,如人覺賊。二覺悟,名覺,如人睡寤。覺察之覺對煩惱障,煩惱侵害事等如賊,唯聖覺知不為其害,故名為覺。涅雲:如人覺賊,賊無能為,佛亦如是。覺悟之覺對其知障,無明昏寢事等如睡,聖慧一起,朗然大悟,如睡得寤,故名為覺。既能自覺,復能覺他。覺行窮滿,故名為佛。言其自覺簡異凡夫,雲覺他者明異二乘,覺行窮滿彰異菩薩。”善見律四曰:“佛者名自覺亦能覺他,又言知,何謂為知?知諦故,故名為佛。”仁王經上曰:“一切眾生,斷三界煩惱果報盡者名為佛。”

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 梵語佛陀的簡稱,華譯為覺者,也就是正覺和知的大覺大悟者。知是說對於宇宙事理無所不知覺,正覺是說所知正確真實而無外道那樣邪見妄執的錯誤,所以佛的另一尊號叫做正知或正等覺。覺有三義,即自覺、覺他、覺行圓滿。自覺是自己知正覺以超越三界凡夫;覺他是先覺覺後覺,以修菩薩行而超越二乘,使眾生皆得如自己一樣的大覺大悟;覺行圓滿是自他兩覺兩利功德圓滿,以超越菩薩而完成究竟的佛果。

藏法數 佛,梵語具云佛陀,華言覺。覺具三義:一者自覺,謂悟性真常,了惑虛妄;二者覺他,謂運無緣慈,度有情眾;三者覺行圓滿,謂歷劫修因,行滿果圓,是名為佛。(無緣慈者,謂無心攀緣一切眾生而能自然現益也。)

Buddhism words and phrases (term) Buddha
(term) awakened
(term) enlightened

(term) Buddha
(term) awakened
(term) enlightened

CF-Dict: Bouddha (mot indien)

Han-De-Dict: Buddha (S, Buddh)