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Radical Strokes: 2
Additional Strokes: 6
Total Strokes: 8
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: lái, lài
Cantonese: lai4 loi4 loi6
JapaneseKun: KURU
JapaneseOn: RAI
Korean: LAY
Vietnamese: lai

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: come, coming; return, returning

CE-Dict: to come/to arrive/to come round/ever since/next

Soothill: āgama (आगम); āgam (आगम्)-; āgata (आगत). Come, the coming, future.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) To come, coming; to cause to come; to invite. To come here (a^gata, a^gati, a^ya). (2) From; from before. The future. (3) To encourage by reward. (4) After a number it means "or more, odd, more than" etc. (5) A guest. (6) To fall back, retreat, retrogress. (7) Past tense, since. (8) An auxiliary word used to give force to another word.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: be at; to come to take place
3.future; coming; the next
4.around; about (a given figure)

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: arrive; come; come round; ever since; next

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: arrive; come; come round; ever since; next

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《來部》來 周所受瑞麥來麰。一來二縫,象芒朿之形。天所來也,故為行來之來。《詩》曰:“詒我來麰。”凡來之屬皆从來。

康熙字典文字版 【子集中】【人字部】 來
〔古文〕徠【廣韻】落哀切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】郞才切,𠀤賴平聲。至也,還也,及也。【禮·曲禮】禮尚往來。往而不來,非禮也。來而不往,亦非禮也。 又【公羊傳·隱五年】公觀魚於棠,登來之也。【註】登讀爲得,齊人謂求得爲登來。 又玄孫之子曰來孫。 又麥名。【詩·周頌】貽我來牟。【前漢·劉向傳】作飴我釐麰。亦作䅘。 又呼也。【周禮·春官】大祝來瞽令臯舞。 又姓。 又【集韻】洛代切,音賚。撫其至日來。【孟子】放勳曰:勞之來之。 又叶鄰奚切,音離。【詩·邶風】莫往莫來,悠悠我思。【素問】恬澹虛無,眞氣從之。精神守內,病安從來。 又叶郞狄切,音力。【詩·小雅】東人之子,職勞不來。叶下服。【大雅】經始勿亟,庶民子來。 又叶落蓋切,音賴。【屈原·離騷】因氣變而遂會舉兮,忽神奔而鬼怪。時髣髴以遙見兮,精皎皎以往來。 又叶良置切,音利。【荀子·賦篇】一往一來,結尾以爲事。
考證:〔【荀子·賦論篇】一往一來,結尾以爲事。〕 謹照原書省論字。

Buddhism words and phrases come

CF-Dict: venir/arriver/prochain/suivant/environ

Han-De-Dict: kommen (V)