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Radical Strokes: 2
Additional Strokes: 8
Total Strokes: 10


Pinyin: guān
Cantonese: gun1
JapaneseKun: TONERI
JapaneseOn: KUWAN
Korean: KWAN

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: assistant in wine shop, groom

CE-Dict: keeper of domestic animals/herdsman/(old) hired hand in certain trade

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a keeper of domestic animals; herdsman
2.a hired hand in certain trades

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《人部》倌 小臣也。从人从官。《詩》曰:“命彼倌人。”

康熙字典文字版 【子集中】【人字部】 倌
【廣韻】【集韻】古丸切【韻會】【正韻】古歡切,𠀤音官。主駕者。【詩·鄘風】命彼倌人,星言速駕。【註】小臣也。 又【集韻】古患切,音貫。義同。

CF-Dict: bouvier/berger/serveur,garçon(de restaurant ou de maison de thé)