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Radical Strokes: 2
Additional Strokes: 9
Total Strokes: 11


Pinyin: piān
Cantonese: pin1
JapaneseOn: HEN
Korean: PHYEN
Vietnamese: thiên

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: inclined one side; slanting

CE-Dict: to lean/to slant/oblique/prejudiced/to deviate from average/to stray from the intended line/stubbornly/contrary to expectations/left-hand side of a split Chinese character, often the key or radical

Soothill: To or on one side, deflected, one-sided, biased, partial, prejudiced.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) Inclined to one side. Leaning, partial, prejudiced. Determined, in a bad sense. (2) Sometimes, due to graphical similarities, this word is also used for its exact opposite 遍 and 遍, meaning whole, perfect, universal. (3) To transform, overturn, change.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.slanting or leaning or deviating from
2.biased; prejudiced

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: meta- - 無化

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: deflection; leaning; partial; prejudiced; slanting
【化】 meta-
【醫】 meta-

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: deflection; leaning; partial; prejudiced; slanting; deflection

湘雅醫學專業詞典: meta-;unsymmetrical

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《人部》偏 頗也。从人扁聲。

康熙字典文字版 【子集中】【人字部】 偏
【唐韻】芳連切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】紕延切,𠀤音篇。頗也,側也。【書·洪範】無黨無偏,王道平平。 又中之兩旁曰偏。【左傳·隱十一年】鄭伯使許大夫百里,奉許叔以居許東偏。 又屬也。【左傳·襄三年】君子謂祁奚于是能舉善矣,舉其偏不爲黨。 又【周禮·夏官】疏:五十人爲偏。 又【司馬法】車戰,二十五乗爲偏。詳前伍字註。 又偏枯。【荀子·非相篇】禹跳湯偏。【鄭註】湯半體枯。 又姓。漢偏呂。見【史游急就章】。 又偏翩篇古通用。【易·泰卦】翩翩不富以其鄰。陸德明作篇篇。古文作偏偏。
考證:〔【周禮·地官】五十人爲偏。〕 謹按此夏官敍官疏文,非地官經文也。地官謹改爲夏官疏。〔【荀子·非相篇】禹跳湯偏。【鄭註】湯半䯆枯。〕 謹照原書半䯆改半體。

Buddhism words and phrases partial, prejudiced

CF-Dict: incliner/incliné/oblique/justement

Han-De-Dict: sich zu einer Seite neigen (u.E.) (V)/geneigt, schräg (u.E.) (Adj)/parteiisch, voreingenommen, tendenziös (u.E.) (Adj)/Pian (u.E.) (Eig, Fam)