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Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 7
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: wú, yú
Cantonese: ng4
JapaneseKun: KURE KURERU
JapaneseOn: GO
Korean: O HO
Vietnamese: ngô

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: one of warring states; surname

CE-Dict: surname Wu/area comprising southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai/name of states in Southern China at different historical periods

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) The name of an ancient Chinese kingdom: (a) during the Spring and Autumn period, Wu was a powerful kingdom which was defeated by the Yueh kingdom; (b) the most easterly of the Three Kingdoms (CE 229-280) approximately comprising Chekiang. (2) Clamorous, noisy; to bawl. (3) A common Korean and Chinese surname. (3) The Japanese pronunciation of a Chinese ideograph which is derived from its original Chinese wu pronunciation, rather than Han (漢) pronunciation. Many Buddhist words use this pronunciation.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the name of a state in the epoch of the Three Kingdoms
2.the name of a state in the Warring States period
3.a Chinese family name

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《夨部》吳 姓也。亦郡也。一曰吳,大言也。从夨、口。

康熙字典文字版 【丑集上】【口字部】 吳
〔古文〕𡗿𡗾【唐韻】午胡切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】訛胡切,𠀤音吾。國名。【史記·吳太伯世家】太伯之奔荆蠻,自號句吳。【註】宋衷曰:句吳,太伯始所居地名。【前漢·地理志】會稽郡秦置,高帝六年爲荆國,十二年,更名吳。 亦縣名。【前漢·地理志】會稽郡吳縣。 又【說文】郡也。【後漢·郡國志】吳郡,順帝分會稽置。【韻會】吳郡、吳興、丹陽爲三吳。【正字通】水經以吳興、吳郡、會稽爲三吳。指掌圖以蘇、常、湖爲三吳,其說不同。又【齊語】西服㳅沙西吳。【註】雍州之地。 又天吳,水神也。【郭璞·山海經贊】八頭十尾,人面虎身。龍據兩川,威無不震。 又【說文】姓也。【廣韻】太伯之後,因以命氏。 又【方言】大也。【說文】大言也。【詩·周頌】不吳不敖。【傳】吳,譁也。又【魯頌】不吳不揚。【說文註】大言故夨大口以出聲。今寫詩者,攺吳作㕦,又音乎化切,其謬甚矣。【釋文】吳,舊如字。何承天云:从口下大,故魚之大口者名㕦,胡化反,此音恐驚俗也。按《說文》《釋文》俱云吳作㕦讀,非。而《玉篇》《廣韻》《集韻》《類篇》《韻會》諸書,吳字亦皆無去聲一音,惟正韻收吳入禡韻,詩朱註亦作去聲讀。未知孰是,存以備考。 又【集韻】元俱切,音愚。虞古作吳。註詳虍部七畫。【釋名】吳,虞也。太伯讓位而不就,歸封于此,虞其志也。 又與娛通。【詩·周頌】不吳不敖。【疏】正義曰:人自娛樂,必讙譁爲聲。故以娛爲譁也。定本娛作吳。

CF-Dict: exagérer/(nom de famille)

Han-De-Dict: Wu (u.E.) (Eig, Fam)/Provinz in Jiangsu (u.E.)