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Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 7


Pinyin: ōu, hōng, hǒu
Cantonese: hung1 ngau6
JapaneseKun: HOERU
JapaneseOn: IN GOU UN
Korean: HWU UM WU

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: 'OM'; bellow; (Cant.) dull, stupid

CE-Dict: roar or howl of an animal/bellow of rage

Soothill: [合*牛] Translit. for hūṃ (हूṃ), which is interpreted as the bodhi (बोधि), or omniscience, of all Buddhas.

康熙字典文字版 【丑集上】【口字部】 吽
【字彙】同吼。 又【集韻】於今切,音隂。【玉篇】牛鳴也。 又【集韻】魚侯切,音齵。【前漢·東方朔傳】狋吽牙者,兩犬爭也。【註】吽,五侯反。 又【正字通】梵呪多用吽字。 又叶職容切,音鐘。【張昱輦下曲】守內番僧日念吽,御㕑酒肉按時供。叶下重。

Buddhism words and phrases (term) The Sanskrit syllable hūṃ

CF-Dict: grondement ou cri d'un animal/mugissement/Om/Aum