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Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 7
Total Strokes: 10
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: bài, bei
Cantonese: baai6
JapaneseKun: UTA
JapaneseOn: BAI
Korean: PHAY

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: final particle of assertion pathaka

CE-Dict: modal particle indicating indicating lack of enthusiasm/modal particle indicating that things should only or can only be done a certain way

Soothill: pāṭha (पाठ); pāṭhaka (पाठक); read, recite, intone, chant, hymns in praise of Buddha; 唄匿 is erroneously said to transliterate the Sanskrit root vi-ne (वि-ने) and to be the same as 婆陟 (or 婆師), but these are bhāṣa (भाष).

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): A song praising the virtues of the Buddha; to sing such a song.

康熙字典文字版 【丑集上】【口字部】 唄

Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism (佛光大辭典)  梵語pa^t!ha。又作唄匿、婆陟、婆師。意譯為止息、贊嘆。以音韻屈曲升降,能契于曲,為諷詠之聲,乃梵土之法曲,故稱梵唄。即附以曲調而諷誦經文。于法事之初唱之,以止斷外緣,止息內心妄念,方堪作法事。又其偈頌多贊佛德,故稱唄贊。佛世時有善于唄道者,稱唄比丘或鈴聲比丘。佛教東傳之初,漢土之人未知唄道之音調,據傳至魏陳思王曹植,遊魚山,聞空中梵天之響,深感神理,始摹其音聲節拍,制作曲譜,後廣為流傳。﹝法華玄贊卷四末、四分律刪繁補闕行事鈔卷上四、諸經耍集卷四唄贊篇、玄應音義卷六﹞(參閱‘梵唄’4635)

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (雜語)唄匿之略。梵音之歌詠也。【參見: 唄匿】

Buddhism words and phrases a song praising the virtues of the Buddha

CF-Dict: (indiquant un fait facile à comprendre)/(indiquant une concession)