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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 3
Total Strokes: 6
Variants: 䪿


Pinyin: xìn
Cantonese: seon3
JapaneseKun: HIYOMEKI
JapaneseOn: SHIN SHI
Korean: SIN

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: top of the head; skull

CE-Dict: fontanel (gap between the bones of an infant's skull)

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the top of the human head; the skull

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: fontanel - 解剖

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: 【醫】 fontanel; fonticuli cranii; fonticulus

湘雅醫學專業詞典: fontanel;fonticuli cranii

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《囟部》囟 頭會,匘蓋也。象形。凡囟之屬皆从囟。

康熙字典文字版 【丑集上】【囗字部】 囟
〔古文〕𠙷𦞤䪿顖【廣韻】息晉切【集韻】思晉切,𠀤音信。【說文】頭會腦蓋也。象形。【魏校曰】頂門也。子在母胎,諸竅尚閉,唯臍內氣,囟爲之通氣,骨獨未合。旣生,則竅開,口鼻內氣,尾閭爲之洩氣,囟乃漸合,隂陽升降之道也。【方書】頂中央旋毛中爲百會,百會前一寸半爲前頂,百會前三寸卽囟門。 又【集韻】息忍切,信上聲。又息利切,音四。義𠀤同。

CF-Dict: fontanelle

Han-De-Dict: Schädel, Totenkopf (u.E.) (S)