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Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 10
Total Strokes: 13
Simplified Form:


Pinyin: yuán
Cantonese: jyun4
JapaneseKun: MARUI
JapaneseOn: EN
Korean: WEN
Vietnamese: viên

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: circle; round, circular; complete

CE-Dict: circle/round/circular/spherical/(of the moon) full/unit of Chinese currency (Yuan)/tactful/to justify

Soothill: Round, all-round, full-orbed, inclusive, all-embracing, whole, perfect, complete.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) Round as the full moon (ma^ndalya). (2) Full, complete, perfect, consummate. (3) The perfect (or complete) teaching, especially as the Tiantai and Huayan schools refer to their own teachings. (4) The third in the division of teachings into "gradual," "sudden," and "perfect" (as in the Huayan jing).

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.round; circular; spherical
2.[Mathematics] a circle

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: circle - 數
circularity - 數

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: circularity; cirlce; justify; round; roundness
【化】 circle
【醫】 gyro-

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: circularity; hwan; round; roundness

湘雅醫學專業詞典: cyclo-;gyr-;gyro-

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《囗部》圓 圜全也。从囗員聲。讀若員。

康熙字典文字版 【丑集上】【囗字部】 圓
【唐韻】王權切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】于權切,𠀤音員。與圜同。方之對也。【說文】圜,全也。【韻會】古方圓之圓皆作圜,今皆作圓。【易·繫辭】蓍之德圓而神,卦之德方以智。【管子·心術篇】能大圓者,體乎大方。【韓非子·飾邪篇】左手畫圓,右手畫方,不能兩全。【郭璞·江賦】圓淵九迴而懸騰。【註】峽江深急,激岸石而成圓流也。【元結·惡圓論歌】寧方爲皁,不圓爲卿。寧方爲汙辱,不圓爲顯榮。 又圓夢,占夢以決吉凶也。【秦再思紀異錄】長安興義寺有圓夢堂,禪師智滿,圓夢獲驗,堂因以名。 又與員同。【孟子】規矩方員之至也。【詩·商頌】景員維河。【說文長箋】員當作圓,言周景山皆大河也。 又與卵同。【山海經】丹山之陽,有鳳之圓。【緯略】圓,古卵字。【正字通】經本作丸,緯略因聲近,譌爲圓。 又【集韻】王問切,音運。義同。 又叶于分切,音雲。【蔡洪·圍棋賦】曲直有正,方而不圓。算徒授卒,三百維羣。円えん、¥(YEN),同圓。

朱芾煌:法相辭典 成業論二頁雲:即于和合諸聚色中,見諸面滿,便起圓覺。

Buddhism words and phrases (term) Round
(term) complete
(term) perfect

CF-Dict: cercle/rond/sphérique/dollar/yen

Han-De-Dict: Kreis (u.E.) (S)/rund, kreisförmig; komplett (u.E.) (Adj)

Finnish: pyöreä, ympyrän muotoinen; täysi (kuusta); ympyrä; saattaa loppuun, oikeuttaa; yuan (rahayksikkö)