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Radical Strokes: 3
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Total Strokes: 6


Pinyin: dì, de
Cantonese: dei6 deng6
JapaneseKun: TSUCHI
JapaneseOn: CHI JI
Korean: CI
Vietnamese: địa

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: earth; soil, ground; region

CE-Dict: earth/ground/field/place/land/CL:片[pian4]

Soothill: pṛthivī, 缽里體尾 the earth, ground; bhūmi, 步弭 the earth, place, situation; talima, 託史麼 (or 託吏麼) ground, site; explained by 土地 earth, ground; 能生 capable of producing; 所依 that on which things rely. It is also the spiritual rank, position, or character attained by a Bodhisattva as a result of 住 remaining and developing in a given state in order to attain this 地 rank; v. 十住; 住位 and 十地.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): (1) Earth, the earth, the ground (esp. as contrasted to heaven 天). (2) A land, a country, territory. (3) A place, a scene, a location, a situation, a position. A stage in the progression on the path towards enlightenment. (4) A reference to one of the ten stages 十地 (bhu^mis) of the bodhisattva's course of practice. (5) The spirit of the land.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the earth; soil
3.the ground
4.the fields
5.a place
6.a stand; a position
7.the background
1.a particle used after an adverbial

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: ground - 科技

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: background; ground; land; soil; the earth
【計】 GND
【化】 earth
【醫】 geo-; loci; locus

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: terra

湘雅醫學專業詞典: floor;ge-;geo-;ground

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《土部》地 元气初分,輕清陽為天,重濁陰為地。萬物所陳𠛱也。从土也聲。

康熙字典文字版 【丑集中】【土字部】 地
〔古文〕埊𨻐埅𠏂嶳【廣韻】徒四切【集韻】大計切【韻會】徒二切【正韻】徒利切,𠀤音弟。【說文】元氣初分,重濁隂爲地,萬物所𨻰列也。【白虎通】地者,易也。言養萬物懷任交易變化也。【釋名】地,底也,其體底下,載萬物也。【易·說卦傳】坤爲地。【內經】岐伯曰:地爲人之下,太虛之中。黃帝曰:馮乎。曰:大氣舉之。【周禮·地官】土訓掌道地圖,以詔地事,道地慝,以辨地物,而原其生,以詔地求。【博物志】地以名山爲輔佐,石爲之骨,川爲之脈,艸木爲之毛,土爲之肉。 又第也,但也。【前漢·丙吉傳】西曹地忍之。 又叶徒何切,音沱。【屈原·橘頌】閉目自愼,終不失過兮。秉德無私,參天地兮。【揚雄·羽獵賦】鳥不及飛,獸不得過,軍驚師駭,刮野埽地。○按吳棫收地入箇韻,音隋,則過可如字讀,沱隋亦平去閒耳。本作坔。
考證:〔【內經】岐伯曰,地爲人之下,太虛之中。黃帝曰,何憑。曰,大氣舉之。〕 謹照原文何憑改馮乎。

朱芾煌:法相辭典 此釋十地之地。瑜伽四十七卷二十六頁雲:此中由能攝持菩薩義故;說名為地。
二解 顯揚一卷十一頁雲:地有二種。一、內,二、外。內、謂各別身內眼等五根,及彼居處之所依止,堅硬所攝、有執受性。復有增上積集。所謂發毛爪齒、塵垢皮肉、筋骨脈等、諸不淨物,是內地體。形段受用為業。外、謂各別身外色等五蘊之所依止、堅硬所攝、非執受性。復有增上積集。所謂礫石丘山樹林磚等。水等災起,彼尋壞滅;是外地體。形段受用為業。依持受用為業。破壞受用為業。對治資養為業。
三解 成唯識論九卷十三頁雲:與所修行為勝依持,令得生長;故名為地。此釋十地之地。

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (雜語)梵語曰缽裡體尾(Pr!thivi),又作託史麼(Talima史吏),又作步弭(Bhumi^),譯曰地,土地也。以能生為義。又所依之義。大乘義章十二曰:“能生曰地。”佛地論一曰:“地謂所依所行所攝。”梵語雜名曰:“地缽是體尾,又託史麼。”

Buddhism words and phrases a stage in the progression on the path towards enlightenment

a stage in the progression on the path towards enlightenment

CF-Dict: masse/terre/terrain/lieu

Han-De-Dict: Erde (u.E.) (Agrar)/Grund, Boden (u.E.)/Platz, Stelle (u.E.)/Land, Terrain (u.E.)