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Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 10
Total Strokes: 12


Pinyin: tǎ, dā
Cantonese: taap3
JapaneseKun: TERA OKA
JapaneseOn: TOU
Korean: THAP

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: tower, spire, tall building

CE-Dict: pagoda/tower/minaret/stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo)/CL:座[zuo4]

Soothill: stūpa (स्तूप); tope; a tumulus, or mound, for the bones, or remains of the dead, or for other sacred relics, especially of the Buddha, whether relics of the body or the mind, e.g. bones or scriptures. As the body is supposed to consist of 84,000 atoms, Aśoka is said to have built 84,000 stūpa (स्तूप)s to preserve relics of Śākyamuni. Pagodas, dagobas, or towers with an odd number of stories are used in China for the purpose of controlling the geomantic influences of a neighbourbood. Also 塔婆; 兜婆; 偷婆; 藪斗波; 窣堵波; 率都婆; 素覩波; 私鍮簸, etc. The stūpa (स्तूप)s erected over relics of the Buddha vary from the four at his birthplace, the scene of his enlightenment, of his first sermon, and of his death, to the 84,000 accredited to Aśoka.

English-Chinse-English Dictionary of Buddhist terms (Stardict): Stupa 塔 It refers to a place where the Buddha's true body resides.
(1) A stu^pa, i.e., a mound where the remains of a great sage are buried. (2) A temple.

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.a pagoda
2.a tower
3.[Chemistry] a column or tower (as in distillation)

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: pagoda - 建
tower - 建

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: pagoda; tower
【化】 column
【醫】 tower

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: pagoda; tower

湘雅醫學專業詞典: tower

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《土部》塔 西域浮屠也。从土荅聲。

康熙字典文字版 【丑集中】【土字部】 塔
【唐韻】吐盍切【集韻】【韻會】託合切,𠀤音榻。物墮聲也。 又【集韻】達合切,音沓。累土也。【說文】西域浮屠也,或七級九級,至十三級而止。其五級者,俗謂之錐子。唐太宗貞觀三年,長安宮城南建大慈恩寺,造甎浮圖,藏釋元奘所取西域佛經,名鴈塔。梵本謂之鴈塔者,昔有伽藍,依小乗食三淨食。三淨食者,鴈犢鹿也。一日見鴈飛,輒曰:衆僧闕供摩訶薩埵,宜知摩訶薩埵,梵言好施也。一鴈應聲而墮。衆曰:此鴈垂戒,宜旌彼德,因建塔瘞鴈,鴈塔之名因此。唐韋肇及第,偶題名慈恩寺鴈塔,後遂爲故事。【後魏·常山義七級𥓓】梵言僧婆,華言鴈。梵言窣堵波,華言塔也。 又【字苑】佛堂也。【魏釋老志】募建宮宇曰塔,近稱刹宇謂之塔院。 又姓,見【統譜】。 又叶方伐切,音髮。【蘇轍·功臣寺詩】晚隂生林莽,落日猶在塔。行招兩社僧,共步靑山月。 一作墖。

Ding Fubao - Dictionary for Buddhist Studies (丁福保:佛學大辭典) (術語)又作塔婆、兜婆、偷婆、浮圖等。皆梵語@堵波(Stu%pa,巴Thu%pa)之訛略也。高積土石,以藏遺骨者。又名俱[打-丁+羅]。譯言聚、高顯、墳、靈廟等。別有所謂支提或制底(Chaitya),言不藏身骨者。或通稱為塔。亦曰支提。法華義疏十一曰:“依僧o律有舍利名塔婆,無舍利名支提。地持雲:莫問有無,皆名支提。明了論雲:支提,此雲淨處。”行事鈔下二曰:“雜心雲:有舍利名塔,無者名支提。塔或名塔婆,或雲偷婆,此雲塚,亦雲方墳。支提雲廟,廟者貌也。”玄應音義六曰:“諸經論中,或作藪鬥波,或作塔婆,或作兜婆,或雲偷婆,或言蘇偷婆,或作支提浮都,亦言支提浮圖,皆訛略也。正言@堵波,此譯雲廟。或雲方墳,此義翻也。或雲大塚,或雲聚相,謂累石等高以為相也。”西域記一曰:“@堵波,即舊所謂浮圖也。又曰[金*俞]婆,又曰塔婆,又曰私[金*俞]簸,又曰數鬥波,皆訛也。”法華文句記三曰:“新雲@睹波,此雲高顯,方墳,義立也。謂安置身骨處也。”寄歸傳三曰:“大師世尊既涅後,人天並集以火焚之。(中略)即名此處以為制底。”塔有顯密二教之別。顯教以為揭高德之標幟,即所謂墓標,故限于佛乃至有德之比丘。密教以為大日如來之三昧耶形。五輪塔是佛體。非墓標。因而許為結緣追福。建于一般僧俗之墓處,俗曰石塔、塔婆、@堵波者,指此五輪塔也。

陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 一種形高而尖的建築物,由五級到十幾級不等,藏佛遺骨的叫做塔,不藏遺骨的則叫做支提。

Buddhism words and phrases (term) stūpa, pagoda

Japanese Places Tou (loc)

CF-Dict: tour/tour de pagode/phare

Han-De-Dict: Kolonne, Säule, Turm [ chem. Apparatur ] (u.E.) (S, Tech)/Pagode (u.E.) (S, Arch)/Turm (u.E.) (S, Arch)/turmartiger Bau (u.E.) (S, Arch)/Ta (u.E.) (Eig, Fam)