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Information about character(s)

Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 13
Total Strokes: 15


Pinyin: xī
Cantonese: kwai4 seoi2 seoi5
JapaneseKun: MEGURI
JapaneseOn: KEI E KI SUI

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: a name of an old town in Sichuan; cuckoo; revolution of a wheel

CE-Dict: a name of an old town in Sichuan/cuckoo/revolution of a wheel

康熙字典文字版 【寅集中】【山字部】 嶲
【集韻】選委切,音𣿂。越嶲,郡名。 本作嶲。

Han-De-Dict: Kuckuck (u.E.) (S)