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Information about character(s)

Radical: 广
Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 4
Total Strokes: 7


Pinyin: guǐ, guì
Cantonese: gei2 gwai2
JapaneseKun: TODANA
JapaneseOn: KI
Korean: KI

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: a cupboard or pantry to store

CE-Dict: a cupboard or pantry to store

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.[Formal] a cupboard; a closet put into a cupboard or closet; to put into the proper place; to put away; to store up

康熙字典文字版 【寅集下】【广字部】 庋
【廣韻】過委切【集韻】古委切,𠀤音詭。【說文】本作庪。【玉篇】庋,閣也。【集韻】庋閣藏食物。【禮·內則】大夫七十而有閣。【註】閣以板爲之,庋食物也。【唐書·牛仙客傳】前後賜予,緘庋不敢用。 又【廣韻】居綺切,音剞。義同。 又與攱通。【集韻】攱或作庋。