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Radical: 广
Radical Strokes: 3
Additional Strokes: 5
Total Strokes: 8


Pinyin: dǐ, de
Cantonese: dai2
JapaneseKun: SOKO NANZO
JapaneseOn: TEI
Korean: CE CI
Vietnamese: để

Dictionary definitions

Unicode: bottom, underneath, underside

CE-Dict: background/bottom/base/the end of a period of time/towards the end of (last month)

Soothill: Bottom, basis; translit. t (त्), d (द्), dh (ध्).

21 Century bidirectional dictionary: 1.the bottom; the base
2.a rough draft
3.a copy of a document as record
4.the end
5.the background

21 Century bidirectional science and technology dictionary: base - 機 - 陰極射線管的blank - 電子
bottom - 科技
fundus - 解剖
radix - 數

朗道漢英字典 - Lang Dao: a copy kept as a record; base; bottom; end; fundus; the truth of a matter
【醫】 base; basement; bases; basi-; basio-; basis; batho-; bathy-; fimdi
floor; fundus; pavimentum; solum

懶蟲簡明漢英詞典: bottom; fundus

湘雅醫學專業詞典: antapex;basement;carcase;floor;pavement;pavimentum;solum

說文解字 - Shuowen: 《广部》底 山居也。一曰下也。从广氐聲。

康熙字典文字版 【寅集下】【广字部】 底
【唐韻】都禮切【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】典禮切,𠀤音邸。【說文】山居也。 又【說文】下也。又【玉篇】止也。【爾雅·釋詁】底,待也。【註】止也。【疏】底者,在物之下,是亦止也。 又【玉篇】滯也。【左傳·昭元年】勿使有所壅閉湫底。【註】底,滯也。【晉語】戾久將底,底箸滯淫。 又【增韻】器臀也。【詩·大雅】于橐于囊。【箋】無底曰橐。有底曰囊。 又文書槀曰底。【春明退朝錄】公家文書稿,中書謂之草,樞密院謂之底,三司謂之檢。祕府有梁朝宣底二卷,卽貞明中崇政院書也。 又凡供役使者曰小底。【晉公談錄】皇城使劉承規,在太祖朝爲黃門小底。 又設疑之辭。【匡謬正俗】俗謂何物爲底。此本言何等物,後省何,直云等物耳。應璩詩云:用等謂才學,言用何等才學也。去何言等,其言已舊,今人不詳根本,乃作底字,非也。唐人詩多用底字。【杜甫·寄王陶二少尹詩】文章差底病。【韓愈·曲江寄白舍人詩】有底忙時不肯來。 又與厎通。【韻會】厎,通作底。【詩·小雅】靡所底止。【傳】底,至也。 又與砥通。【前漢·枚乗傳】磨礱底厲。【註】底,柔石也。 又叶都木切,音啄。【郭璞·東海外大壑讚】寫溢洞穴,暵昏龍燭。爰有天壑,號爲無底。

Japanese-English River and Water Resources Glossary bottom


CF-Dict: fond/base/fond d'une affaire/fin

Han-De-Dict: Hintergrund (u.E.) (S)/Basis (u.E.)/Grund (u.E.)